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September Mobility Program

Posted 6th September 2021 by Anthony Masters

Hello guys,

Below is an itinerary for September of what will be covered each week in the mobility class. If you didn’t know about this class it is every tues @ 6:30pm arch 328, front room where we spend some time making our bodies move & feel better.

Structure remains the same, few focused classes and some more general all round classes.

Have a particular niggle or pain that hasn’t been going away? And you want to figure out what can be done about it? Feel free to get in touch on how i can help or If you have any questions drop me an email on: [email protected] 

Ant x


Wk 1 (Sept 7th): upper body focused! We will be working on stretching out the shoulders & chest region to help improve the overhead position as well as overall pressing & pulling movements

Wk 2 (Sept 14th): lower body, quads & hamstrings, improving the mobility of big muscles of the legs that help with movements such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, running, cycling.

Wk 3 (Sept 21st): full body class, shoulder internal rotation (fundamental movement that helps with how well the shoulder moves & feels overall), Hip external rotation, the big glute muscles that contribute to many lower body movements found in our other classes.

Wk 4 (Sept 28th): Spine segmentation, the ability to improve the way 24 joints of the spine move independently to provide overall movement freedom, strength & control.