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CrossFit training program 13th – 20th December

Posted 12th December 2021 by Josh Schouten


Weekly Schedule – Week 8 of 8


With this being the last week of our structured programming for 2021 let’s aim to get some markers laid down in terms of our strength and fitness. We’ve had a great year, since coming back off the lock downs the general fitness level had dipped. Adding in 6 months of a grind and we are back punching well above average. You are all to be congratulated on your efforts to get back to such a high level. Enjoy the workouts and record, record, record your numbers and performances.


Monday – Squats & Cleans (Variations)

Tuesday – Push Press / Bench & Chins

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Snatch & Deadlift (Variations)

Saturday – Clean & Jerk (Variations)


Part A: – Every 60 seconds

A:  Power Clean

10 x 1-2 @ 65-80%


Part B: – 15 mins to complete

B: Clean

6 x 1 @ 85%+


Part C: – 15 mins

C: Front Squat

6 x 1 @ 85%+




7 minutes of Burpees




Part A: – 12 mins

A: Split Jerk

6 x 1 @ 85%+


Part B: – 15 mins to complete

B: BB Bench Press

4 x 3,2,2,1 @ 85-100%

B2: Pull Ups –

4 x 3,2,2,1 @ 80-100%



18 mins Amrap

500m row / ski / run


Thrusters 35/20

Pull Ups





Part A – 15 mins of:

1 reps of Bear Complex

Power Clean

Front Squat

Push Press

Thruster – behind the neck


Part B – 6 Rounds 

3 Hang Squat Cleans (increase weight each round)

18 wall balls

300m / Row / Ski / Bike @ 80%

rest 1 mins


Part C – 2-3 rounds of: Focus on quality

Ab Rollouts – w/ BB x 10

Hollow Dish x 30-45 sec

Sit Up x 10

Rest 2 mins




Part A:

A: High Hang / Mid Hang / Low Hang Snatch

5 x 3 (1 rep at each position)

*Start with an empty bar, add weight to each round


Part B: 10 mins



6 x 1 @ 85%+


Part C: 10 minutes

Conventional Deadlift

Find a 8 RM

Rest 2 mins



350 DU

6 rounds

8 x Dual DB Snatch

8 x Box Jump

8 x Dual DB Push Press

350 x DU




Part A:

Every 60 seconds complete:

Power Clean + Split Jerk*

5 x 2 + 2

*Start with an empty bar, add weight to each round

Part B:

Every 120 seconds complete:

B: Clean & Jerk

6 x 1 @ 85%+

B2: Box Jump

6 x 1 for height


Waller Special