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Crossfit Program – 15th August – 21st August 2022

Posted 14th August 2022 by Geoff Stewart

Week 10.


Monday – Squat and Pulling

Tuesday – Snatch

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Deadlift and pushing

Saturday – Clean & Jerk

Sunday – Service


Monday –Squat and Pulling

A Front Squats – 8×5,3,1,5,3,1,1,1


B Front squats and Back squats 2×2+4 @80%A


10mins For quality

3x Pull-ups -weight

3x Box jumps -height


YGIG rounds with a partner

8x dual Db squats clean Rx 22.5/15



Tuesday – Snatch

A Snatch grip high pulls, hang power snatch, snatch -5×1+1+1  light rhythm reps


B Power Snatch or Squat Snatch 8×2 working up to 92%


AMRAP 16mins YGIG exercise

8x Db snatch rx20/15

8x DB Box Step Ups rx20/15

8x Burpee Box Jumps


Wednesday – Conditioning

Barbell cycling. YGIG rounds with partenr

5x power clean

5x hang power clean

5x cleans

5x push press


6 rounds each

3x Dual devil press rx22.5/15

6x Dual Db front squats

9x T2B / T2R


P2 ME kcals


Thursday – Gymnastics


Friday –Deadlift and pushing

A Deadlifts 6×2,2,2,1,1,1

A1 Bench press 5x 3-4 20min


10 rounds each

Working in 2s change per round

7x deadlifts



Lying banded hamstring curls x16

banded ext rotations x12ea


Saturday – Clean & Jerk

A: Clean high pull, hang power, front squats, push press 5-7×1+1+1+1 -15mins smooth


Work to a good weight for the day -NO missing

B: Power clean or squats clean, jerk 8×1+1 E2MO2M


Anthony Waller Special.


Sunday Service


4 Rounds for time of:

21 Wallballs

18 Pull-ups

15 American Kettle Bell Swings 24/20

12 Handstand Push-ups


4x 90sec work + 1 rest

3x Clean and press – Heavy 90%+

ME Kcals reaming time