Crossfit Program -2nd January – 8th January 2023
Week 6. It’s another short week this one but stick to the plan and keep moving.
Monday – Squat and Pulling
Tuesday – Snatch
Wednesday – Conditioning
Thursday – Gymnastics
Friday – Deadlift and pushing
Saturday – Clean & Jerk
Sunday – Service
Monday –Put your feet up.
Tuesday – Snatch
Snatch high pull, Hang muscle snatch, power snatch 3×2,2,2
B Snatch jerk and snatch balance, OHS 3×2,2,2
C Power or Squat Snatch E30sec 1x10min
AMRAP 20mins
400m Row /bike / Ski
6x D-ball over the shoulder
12x Burpees
6x D-ball over the shoulder
Wednesday – Conditioning
BB complex YGIG rounds for 12min
3x Hang power clean Rx35/50
2x Squat clean-floor
1x Cluster
EMOM 26mins – pump
40sec bike
12-16 gorilla row Heavyish- KB
40sec ski
12-16 dual clean and press 2×22.5
40sec Row
12-16 DB bench floor press 2×22.5g
Thursday – Gymnastics
Friday – Deadlift and pushing
A Deadlifts 5×5
A1 Bench press 5×5
10mins work
B DB RDL 4×6-12
B1 Ring press ups x6-12
alt full rounds with a partner
7x BB deadlifts 45/30
3x Pull-ups
Saturday – Clean & Jerk
Anthony Waller Special
Sunday – Service
7 rounds for time –
5x Cleans
5x front squats
5x pull-ups
For Time
24/30x kcals Echo bike
30x T2B/T2R
16/20x kcals Ski erg
20x box jumps
12/16x Rowing
10x HSPU
12/16x Rowing
10x HSPU
20x box jumps
16/20x kcals Ski erg
30x T2B/T2R
24/30x kcals Echo bike