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CrossFit Program -20th March – 26th March 2023

Posted 19th March 2023 by Geoff Stewart

Week 1. A new training phase.

“As with all the new training programs I crack in with the usual blurb about Momentum being a GPP program, General physical preparedness. Which in layperson terms means.  “GPP is intended to provide balanced physical conditioning in endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, and other basic factors of fitness.”  with that said you’ll be lifting weights, jumping on stuff, throwing things, hitting some cardio and doing some CrossFit gymnastics you’ll be getting hot and sweaty but always safely and with fun. “

This training phase.  We are changing the exercise selection a bit and adding some basic variation to movements, as we are aware strength work is strength work and the basics are the basics and when done with great form work you’ll get the result. Our focus, as well as great form, will be working our lifting percentages and a focus on the numbers between 80-90% in the 7 to 3 rep range (see chart in the gym). Experience and science have told us that these numbers cover many bases and act as a great predictor for overall fitness and general robustness. You’ll also be working on improving your CrossFit skills with a focus on kipping and pistols. The WODs as ever will be fun, challenging and just hard work. We are going to be posting up a number of blogs to help you with direction. We will be looking at Goal setting, macros, resting and sleep we might even do some lifting fashion and how tight should your pant really be.


Monday – Squat and Pulling

Tuesday – Clean & Jerk

Wednesday – Conditioning

Thursday – Gymnastics

Friday – Deadlift and pushing

Saturday – Snatch

Sunday – Service


Monday – Squat and Pulling


A Front squats 4×5-7 80-85% @3101

A1 Pull-ups 4×6-10 -scale if needed



B DB Side single leg step up x8el @2020

B1 Ring rows x12-15 @2020


YGIG 21-15-9

Dual KB Rack squats

Dual KB Push press


5x rounds each (both working)

15/18 Kcals

dual KB rack hold


Tuesday – Clean & Jerk

A High pull, Muscle clean, power clean, front squats and push jerk

 5×5+5+5+5+5 E2MO2M

B Hang power clean and hang squat clean and press @60-70%Max 6×3 -15min



2,4,6,8,10 etc

power cleans. @ 45/30kg

box jumps.


Skill-kipping swings


Wednesday – Conditioning

24min workout

every 0-4-8-12-16-20

Run- canal and back.

12xDB Squat cleans.

alt rounds between

3X wall walks

9X HSPU or HSPU scales


Engine cardio


1min on 1 min off



2/3x 20x Wall ball GHD sit-ups

2/3x 20x banded external rotations.

Thursday – Gymnastics


Friday – Deadlift and pushing


A Sumo Deadlift 4×5-7 65-75% @2002

A1 BB bench press 4×6-8 @3100



B RFE split squats x8el @2020

B1 Picked press ups x8-12 @2020


60kcals AFAP

rest 2min

6min AMRAP

12x T2B/T2R

12x burpee


Saturday – Snatch

A Snatch pull, muscle snatch, power snatch, Drop snatch, OHS

5×5+5+5+5+5 – for quality 15min

C Power or Squats snatches E2MO2M 6×3 @70%MX

Anthony Waller Special.


Sunday – Service

4 min AMRAP per exercise station

5 Clean and press RX 70kg/50kg

5 pull-ups

Row/ski/run 1000mtrs

12 Heavy wall balls

10 ring rows (horizontal)

Row/ski/run 1000mtrs relay style

5 Clean and press RX 70kg/50kg

5 pull-ups

Row/ski/run 1000mtrs

12 Heavy wall balls

10 ring rows (horizontal)

rest 4 mins then:

8xbench press.

12xbicep curls

16x Kcals bike