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Strong Con – March W1

Posted 3rd March 2024 by Jenna Fisher

Strong Con – March – Workout 1

Half the class start on A and half on B, then switch.

On Tuesday evenings, DB cyclist squat instead of sled push as there is a class in the sled room.

Part A – 20 mins AMRAP

7 push-ups

14 bench press / 7 bench press – alternate rounds, increase weight for the 7

14 each leg lateral box step up, DB

14-28 cals – ski or row

Rest as needed


Part B – 20 mins AMRAP – use a challenging/heavy weight

60 secs assault bike, medium / 30 secs, fast – alternate rounds

2-3 lengths sled push

5-10 dead ball to shoulder

5-10 each arm DB high hang power snatch

Rest as needed



Tuesday 5th March

Sunday 17th

Thursday 21st

Tuesday 26th

Sunday 7th April

Thursday 11th