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Strong Con – May/ June 2024

Posted 26th May 2024 by Jenna Fisher

Strong Con – May/June 2024

Strong Con will follow a different format for the next few months. You will complete the main lift before you begin the conditioning so that you can focus on increasing the load and building strength.

The rep format for the main lift will remain the same every week until the end of June. You can choose which lift you do on which day for this part of the class – you do not need to do the order specified on the spreadsheet (to avoid muscle group clashes with your other classes).

The conditioning workouts will change every week throughout June. That said, the workouts this week (end of May) will be repeated next week (first week of June) as the gym is usually quiet on the week of bank holidays so it will be used as a ‘pre-week’ to test the new format.

The number of StrongCon sessions will be increased so that it is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Sunday will be a repeat of the Friday workout.

Click below for the workouts:

StrongCon – June 2024