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Barbell Club August 2024

Posted 31st July 2024 by Geoff Stewart

Welcome to the August 2024 Barbell Club.

This month BB club will be returning to a basic lifting program to get back into building foundations. You’ll be covering all the bases and working on your hypertrophy (building muscle/tone).

There are 2 programs days 1-3 (Monday-Saturday) and days 2-4 (Wednesday and Sunday) ideally you’ll do both programs at least once each and if possible you’ll aim to do both programs twice a week. You guys who follow their lifting percentages check the chart in the gym.

Stick to the tempos and rest period chase the deep burn and most importantly enjoy your training.


Workout days 1 and 3
exercise set/reps Tempo Rest
A1 Back squats 4×8-12 4101 75
A2 DB incline press 4×8-12 3101 75
B1 Step ups (DB) 3×12-15el 2020 60
B2 BB seated OH press 3×12-15 3010 60
C1 DB laterial raises 3×15-20 3001 45
C2 Standing Calf raises 3×15-20 2011 45
C3 EZ skull crushes 3×12-15 3010 45
C4 Peterson step ups 3×12-15 1010 90
D Cyclist goblet squats 1×20-30 1010 0
Workout days 2 and 4
exercise set/reps Tempo Rest
A1 DB split squats 4×8-12el 3010 75
A2 Chin ups 4×8-12 3101 75
B1 BB RDL -from rack 3×10-12 2020 60
B2 DB Chest supported rows 3×12-15 3011 60
C1 Heavy farmers carry 3x1Lap 0 45
C2 EZ DB curls 3×12-15 2011 45
C3 Banded hamstrings 3×12-15 3011 45
C4 DB zottman curls 3×12-15 3010 90
D Banded pull a-parts 1×20-30 1010 0