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Barbell Club December 2024

Posted 1st December 2024 by Geoff Stewart

You are entering phase 5 of your Barbell club program. This will carry you through Christmas and into the new year. In this phase, we are sticking to our split, which works well.

The exercise selection has some variation, but we have kept several exercises the same. We do this so you can understand the weight you can use. Variation can be as simple as changing simple variables such as reps, position in the program, tempo, volume, angle we don’t always need to reinvent the wheel.

Check the timing and rest period we are going to set the clock and have you all moving at the same time you’ll need t be organised and ready to grit the teeth and work on those pre-post Xmas gains.

Good luck, keep tracking your number stick to the program and trust the process.


            exercise                                              set/reps           Tempo             Rest

A          incline Bench press                             4×5 1×20         3010                E2MO2M

B1        Seated DB OH press                            4×10-12           3010                EMOM

B2        Ring rows                                            4×12-15           3010                EMOM

B3        Press ups -narrow                               4x ME              2020                EMOM

C1        Face forward 75% bench shrug          3×12-15           2020                30

C2        Lateral raises                                       3×12-15           2020                60

D          Cable/banded tricep ext                     1×50                2020


            exercise                                               set/reps           Tempo             Rest

A          Back squats                                         4×5 1×20         3010                E2MO2M

B1        Backward sled pulling                         4x1lap-heavy  2020                EMOM

B2        Cyclist squats                                      4×15-20           2020                EMOM

B3        Wall sit                                                4x 40sec          0                      EMOM

C1        Standing calf raises                             3×20-24           2020                30

C2        seated Calf raise                                 3×16-20           2020                60

D          Leg ext -drop set                                 1×10,10,10,10


            exercise                                               set/reps           Tempo             Rest

A          Pull ups                                               4×5 1×20         3010                E2MO2M

B1        Bench pronated seal rows                  4×10-12           3010                EMOM

B2        Ring rows                                            4×16-20           3010                EMOM

B3        Isometric ring hold                             4x 45sec                                  EMOM

C1        Straight arm push downs                    3×10-12           2020                30

C2        EZ bar curls                                         3×10-12           2020                60

D1       DB Curls Zotterman, hammer, cheat  2×12-15-ME    1010                60


            exercise                                               set/reps           Tempo             Rest

A          Sumo deadlifts                                    4×5 1×20         3010                E2MO2M

B1        DB Alt rev drop lunges                        4×10-12el        3010                EMOM

B2        Banded KB swings                               4×15-20           3010                EMOM

B3        Isometric DB hip bridge                      4x40sec                                   EMOM

C1        Bulgarian split squats                          3x15el             1010                0

C2        walking lunges                                    3×24                2020                90

D1       45% back extensions                          2×15-20           2003                60