Barbell Basics – January 2025
Welcome to January’s Barbell Basics program. For days 1 & 2 we will be focusing on the German Body Composition, a high-intensity resistance training method that involves pairing upper- and lower-body exercises, with short rest periods and moderate to high reps. This month won’t be about heavy weights but more about amount of volume completed ing the set. Rest times will be short and the euphoric endorphins will be flowing by the end!
Monday (pm) / Wednesday (am)
Monday (pm) – Wednesday (am)
A: Barbell Back Squat 4 x 10-12 @ 40×0
A2: KB Gorilla Row 4 x 12-15 @ 30×0
B: Barbell Back Step 3 x 16-24 (total) @ 20×0
B2: DB Bench Press 3 x 12-15 @ 30×0
C: Tricep Extensions 3 x 15 @ 30×0
C2: Bike 3 x 30seconds
Wednesday (pm) / Saturday (am)
A: Sumo Deadlift (BB or KB) 4 x 10-12 @ 40×0
A2: Push Up / Dip 4 x 10-12 @ 40×0
B: Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8-12 @ 30×0
B2: Ring Row 3 x 12-15 @ 30×0
C: Barbell Curl 3 x 8-12 @ 30×0
C2: Ski Erg 3 x 40 seconds
Tuesday (pm) / Friday (am)
Booty building for those looking to strengthen their lower back or simply stretch the jeans.
A: Banded KB Swing 5 x 8-10 @ x0x0
A2: Split Jumps 5 x 6-8 total @ x0x0
B: Mid Shin Step Ups 4 x 10-12 @ 20×1
B2: RDL – wide grip 4 x 10-12 @ 30×0
C: Cable Pull Through 3 x 20 @ x0x0
C2: Front Leaning rest 3 x 45-60 sec
D: Hip Flexor Lift offs 2 x 20 e.s.