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CFH Training Days 17/11/2014 – 23/11/2014

Josh Schouten | 16-11-2014
Week 8/12 Where have the weeks gone? The current phase is flying past and there are so many things going on this month. The Team Thorium qualification WODS are taking place and the Athletes Games has just released there qulificaiton rounds.  Loads to keep us busy in the lead up to Christams.... Stay tuned for an inhouse competition for December...... [Read more]

15/12/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 14-11-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat :30s on, :60s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat :30s on, :60s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat :30s on, :60s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: Repeat 200m, recover 3:00 until form/pace deteriorates Day 5 : Bike -: 40mins @ 80% 15M TT pace Day... [Read more]

Hackney Hustle 7.0

Josh Schouten | 10-11-2014
CrossFit Hackney are running the seventh Hackney Hustle on Friday 28th November. Last one before Xmas. All you need to know: Any CrossFitter from anywhere is welcome to come and join the fun, ALL WODS are scalable to include anyone who would wish to participate. We will be rewarding effort and hard work. The evening will include 2 WODs (announced... [Read more]

10/11/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 09-11-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 400m, recover 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : 8 x :20s on :10s off, if possible use stationary bike with wattage tool or similar that can hold load of 200+ watts Day 3: Run - : 8 x :20s on :10s off, if possible use treadmill set at 12% grade, 0-30 seconds... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 10/11/2014 – 16/11/2014

Josh Schouten
Week 7/12 Day  Description Monday Strength: 1 1/4 Back Squats Gymnastics: Pistol Squat Progressions & RLDs WOD: “Non-Reversible Reactions” Tuesday Strength: Behind the head Push-press & Strict Pull-ups Movement Quality: Russian Dips, Ring Pull-ups WOD:  “Shoulder Burner 2″ Wednesday Olympic: EMOM Cleans & Jerk Strength & Power: Clean Pulls & Forward Bounds CrossFit Engine Work: “Love that 30sec” Thursday Strength: Bench 1 1/4 & DB Rows WOD: “Will... [Read more]

8/12/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 07-11-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 5:00 on, 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 5:00 on, 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 5:00 on, 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: 1200m @ 80-85% Day 5 : Bike -: Repeat 75m, Recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates Day 6: Run  -:... [Read more]

3/11/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 02-11-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat :90s on, :60s off, until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat :90s on, :60s off, until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat :90s on, :60s off, until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -:3 x (200m, 150m, 100m), recover 1:1 Day 5 : Bike -: 45min TT Day 6: Run  -: 3 x (5k, 4k, 3k), recover 1:1... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 03/11/2014 – 09/11/2014

Josh Schouten
Week 6/12 We are now half way through the current mesocycle, are you making progress with you weights and yout gymnastics movements?   If your not recording your weights and number, you should be!  How many pull-ups did you manage last week?  Can you do more this week?  What is measured can be improved. What was your WOM time on... [Read more]

Josh: how I train and what I eat

Geoff Stewart | 28-10-2014
Following on from Geoff's post last month about his training and nutrition, here are some of Josh's thoughts. I may be a little blasé with this but it is a true picture.These days with social media and everyone's easy access to health information on the internet,  it makes me double think about what I eat. Fuck, no wonder the average joe can’t... [Read more]