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Strong Con Workout 3

Jenna Fisher | 04-11-2023
StrongCon Workout 3 Part A 6 rounds 3 front squat 6 back squat 9 burpee 12 squat jump 15 cal rower 90-120 sec rest   Part B 30 secs work 30 secs rest work hard/fast 4 rounds Push press Ski Assault bike (more…)

Strong Con Workout 2

Jenna Fisher | 02-11-2023
StrongCon Workout 2 The class will be split into 3 teams (max 6 people per team). Each team starts on a different station. 12 min stations Station 1 Bench press 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 DB power snatch 10 each arm for all rounds Station 2 30-50 double-unders* 12 renegade row, total 12 ab roll-outs (or sit-ups) *alternative: 12 box... [Read more]

Strong Con Workout 1

Jenna Fisher | 31-10-2023
StrongCon Workout 1 Format: 60 secs work 30 secs rest After each block of 4 rounds: 2 mins rest before begin next block In the first round of each block, count your reps/cals and work hard to achieve the same number (or more) every round (more…)

Barbell Club – November

Jenna Fisher | 30-10-2023
November program: Barbell Club - November 2023 Overview Workout 1 - legs Workout 2 - chest and back Workout 3 - glutes, arms, and traps Workout 4 - shoulders and arms  

CrossFit Programme 30th October – 5th November

Anthony Waller | 29-10-2023
    Week 5/10 And just like that we’re through the first block. Loads of improvements across the board and some huge PBs in the bag already. Month one has seen a real rise in barbell efficiency and technique along with some epic handstand walking and the unlocking of those notoriously illusive muscle ups. So on this wet Sunday, drink... [Read more]

CrossFit program 23rd – 29th October

Anthony Waller | 21-10-2023
    Week 4/10 ~ Deload It's a whole new programme, with a slightly different take from your man A.Waller. He will be taking the reins until Xmas 2o23 as Geoff and I take a back seat and see where this takes us. Here's a little bit from the man himself.   🚨‼️New Training Cycle‼️🚨 With your fresh programme starting... [Read more]

CrossFit program 16th – 22nd October

Anthony Waller | 15-10-2023
    Week 3/10. It's a whole new programme, with a slightly different take from your man A.Waller. He will be taking the reins until Xmas 2o23 as Geoff and I take a back seat and see where this takes us. Here's a little bit from the man himself.   🚨‼️New Training Cycle‼️🚨 With your fresh programme starting on Monday... [Read more]

Gymnastics program; October

Anthony Masters | 10-10-2023
Hello Gang, Welcome to the October program for gymnastics, here is a breakdown on what to expect. Crossfit Gymnastics (Tues & Thurs PM class); going into month 2 of 3 of the bar muscle up phase, I am introducing the glide kip to the skill section of the program. See this glide kip video link on the drills we will... [Read more]

CrossFit program 9th – 15th October

Josh Schouten | 08-10-2023
    Week 2/10. It's a whole new programme, with a slightly different take from your man A.Waller. He will be taking the reins until Xmas 2o23 as Geoff and I take a back seat and see where this takes us. Here's a little bit from the man himself.   🚨‼️New Training Cycle‼️🚨 With your fresh programme starting on Monday... [Read more]