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Christmas Class Times

Geoff Stewart | 03-12-2013
As many of you aren't around over the Christmas period, we will be running reduced class times as follows: Tuesday 24th December  •    7am Metcon •    8am CrossFit   25th and 26th December - CLOSED   Friday 27th December •    9am CrossFit •    10am Metcon   Saturday 28th December •    9am CrossFit •    10am Metcon Sunday 29th December •    9am CrossFit •    10am Metcon   Monday... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 3/12/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Warm-up DU Tekkers Russian KBS C2B Pull-ups Strength CrossFit Athlete A-1 Flat Bench Press 6RM Load  5 x 5,2,1 30x0 120sec A-2 Pull Ups 6 RM load 5 x 5,2,1 30x0 120sec Resting 10-15 Seconds between reps  CrossFit  A-1 Flat Bench Press 6RM Load 5 x 2,2,1 20x0 120sec A-2 Pull Ups 6 RM load 5 x 2,2,1 20x0 120sec Resting 15-20 Seconds between... [Read more]

10 reasons why you pay more for CrossFit?

Josh Schouten | 02-12-2013
At Momentum Training (MT) we’re big believers that you should always get what you pay for. Gyms come in all shapes and sizes and are all available at all different prices. There is no disputing that there are cheaper gym memberships than the one Momentum Training will offer you (or most CrossFit gyms), but what are really paying for? We... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 2/12/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Warm Up Tripple Steps (forward and back) Lateral Side Steps Dymamic Stalk Stance CrossFit Athlete A. Back Squat 6 RM load 5 x 5-2-1 30x0 120sec Resting 10-15 Seconds between reps CrossFit  A. Back Squat 6 RM load  5 x  2,2,1 20x0 120sec Resting 15-20 Seconds between reps CrossFit Endurance A. Back Squat wk:1 DE: 5reps @ 60% on 90 sec for... [Read more]

Barbell Club weeks 5-9 training

Josh Schouten | 01-12-2013
Welcome to the brand NEW Barbell CLub. Below will be the programming for the next 4 weeks. What we can measure we can manage. Download the programme by clicking the session to record your digits. Look forward to seeing those white sheets in class Session 1 A1 Paused BB squats  4-6 31x0 60 sec 20 min rotation A2 Paused Chin Ups 4-6... [Read more]

Cheaper Membership for Committed members

Josh Schouten
At Momentum Training we are all about RESULTS.  No matter your goal, we can help you get there.  However, we know that training 1-3 times a week and being intermittent about your training is not going to equal results.  You need to be training more than 3 times a week and you need to be hitting the gym on a... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 1/12/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Tekkers 1. Hollow Rocks 2. Superman Rocks 3. Box Jump 4. Kipping/Butterfly Pull-up 5. Bear complex with bar Strength 15 minutes to complete All Athletes 6 Rounds of bear complex: A-1 Deadlift x 5 A-2 Power Clean x5 A-3 Front Squat x5 A-4 Push-Press x 5 A-5 Back Squat x 5 Rest :60sec   Team W.O.D 18 Min AMRAP* In... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 29/11/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 29-11-2013
Strength All Athletes A-1: 4 sets Push Press / Jerk x 4-6 reps :90 A-2: 4 sets Pull Up x 4-6 reps :90 CrossFit Rookie A-1: 4 sets Push Press / Strict Press 4-6 reps:60 A-2: 4 sets Pull up Eccentric 40x0 4-6 reps:60 Capacity 12 min :30sec Pendlay Row 60/40 on the even min :30sec Ring Dips on the odd... [Read more]