
Barbell Club 2017 – Phase 7 – Mr Universe

Jenna Fisher | 26-06-2017
The next Old School phase borrows from a former Mr Universe. Charles invited myself and Josh to train with him recently and we picked up some gems. The 6-8 paused reps straight into 6-8 explosive reps are inspired by these sessions. Ensure that you use a weight that burns by the time you hit the explosive reps. Get a full... [Read more]

Crossfit Hackney Weapons Sunday 25/6/2017

Geoff Stewart | 23-06-2017
  Warm up and do your mobility - 10mins A. 8min to AMRAP 10x KB swings 10x push press 10x kBb squats run 200mtrs (rear alley)   B. 12min Build up to a good 3rpm Power clean and press for the day between each set do 3MU or 6xmini muscle up practise   C. 24mins- working on your own 1x... [Read more]

CrossFit Gymnastics – Phase 2

Jenna Fisher | 21-06-2017
First of all huge congratulations to everyone for the last six weeks! You have been so much fun to coach and have achieved so much. Not only have there been first muscle ups (from around ten people I think?!) but triple sets as well. Many other firsts with handstand push ups and chin ups. Not to mention the bulging biceps... [Read more]

Heavy Hotcon 21/6/2017

Geoff Stewart | 20-06-2017
  Working in mixed teams of 4 in a circuit format 45/15 work to rest 16mins   Round 1 Bike Deadlifts Rowing DB thrusters   Round 2 Bike Cleans Rowing DB squats   Round 3 KB squats KB press ups KB swings KB rows

Crossfit Hackney Weapons Sunday 18/6/2017

Geoff Stewart | 16-06-2017
10min Mobility / Warm up   8 min - AMRAP A1 Bike 45sec @ 50% A2 Ring rows x10 A3 Skipping 45sec A4 Banded pull a-parts x20   12min - E2MOM2M - 6sets B1.Weighted Pull ups 6x3   6min - DB / BB complex warm up - Light C1. Deadlifts x3 C2. Power clean x3 C3. Front squats x3 C4.... [Read more]

CF training program, Squats, week 1. 19/6/17 – 25/6/17

Geoff Stewart
Into week 1 of our 6 week squat phase. Read more about the training plan here. You'll need to use a bit of the grey matter when working your way through some of these workouts. We have slightly tweaked the timing to allow people to judge their own rest periods. Remember when we are doing our strength/functional strength set it's... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 14/6/2017

Geoff Stewart | 13-06-2017
Warm up because it isn't really hot enough. Working in teams of 4. Option / Rules: either RX or lower the weight to enable you to make min turn around or go heavy and 5,3,1 reps. If you miss a 1 minute time frame you miss the following 2 min. 4min EMOM do: Min 1 Bike 30sec ME Min2. 1 round... [Read more]

Squats. Coming your way soon.

Geoff Stewart | 12-06-2017
So we can all say goodbye to our last training phase Barbara. It's been a long but solid 12 weeks. We are nearly ready to welcome in a new training phase - and to get you excited, here are some ideas of what's on the training plan over the coming months. We are currently planning 4 new training phases coming your way... [Read more]