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Heavy Metcon 18/1/2017

Geoff Stewart | 17-01-2017
Warm up because you know its good for you.   Working with a partner 6min YGIG 3x Deadlifts @1.5bw 6x RkB swings 3mins Bike alt 30sec 6min YGIG 3x Bench press @80% bw 6x press ups 3mins Battle ropes alt 30sec 6min YGIG 3x Power cleans @80% bw 6x ball slams 3mins rowing alt 30sec 6min YGIG 3x Back squats @bw 6x... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 11/01/2017

Geoff Stewart | 10-01-2017
Warm up to a good weight on the lifts below   EMOM – go heavy for 42mins= 7 rounds Deadlifts 5 @ 140% BW Dips 5 @ BW+ Bike 30sec Back squats 5 @ BW Pull ups (strict) 5 @ BW+ Rower 30sec

Gymnastics: Handstand Phase 3: Mobility, Re-Balancing, & Back Strength

Josh Schouten | 09-01-2017
Handstand done correctly are a great reflection of the dedication and hard work that someone has taken to master the skill.  Part 1 and Part 2 of the handstand classes has delivered some positive results, and some members are holding some nice straight handstand lines.  The third phase of our handstand training method will focus on refining the ability to re-balance and... [Read more]

CrossFit Hackney training program 9/1/2017 – 15/1/2017

Geoff Stewart | 06-01-2017
Into week 2 of our first 9-12 week phase of 2017. As a reminder, there’s a bit of an intro to the first 9-12 week training phase of 2017 here. In our CrossFit classes this year we will move away from three levels to a two level structure: FIT – (for the general membership population, focusing more on working in higher... [Read more]

Movement variations/scales

Geoff Stewart
Movement variations/scales You will have noticed that within our programming we offer different exercise variations and we offer scales for some exercises, so why do we do this? Movement variations All exercises have variations - these can be as simple as a change in rep range, tempo, rest period, joint angle or the type of machine used. Being the interesting... [Read more]

Paleo rules

Geoff Stewart | 05-01-2017
In our recent survey, some of you asked for more nutrition info. Going back to the basics to clean up your diet post the festive binge period, here's a useful infographic from Boxrox reminding us what's paleo. They missed off wine gums and Krispy Kreme donuts though - stupid oversight.

Whole Life Challenge 2017 – Part III

Josh Schouten | 03-01-2017
Results start with being humble - Pesca Now we're thinking about how we can make this work for 56 days and beyond. To help the chances of succeeding there's a few things we can get in order to make sure we are successful. Set goals   - Goals should start with why, how and then what. Work inside to out and fit out what... [Read more]