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CrossFit Hackney training program 27/02/17 – 05/03/17 (week 9)

Geoff Stewart | 24-02-2017
  Week 9 of our first 12 week program of 2017 and we are getting into the CF open. Open workout 17.1 is with us: For time: 10 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 20 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 30 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 40 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 50 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 22/2/2017

Geoff Stewart | 21-02-2017
Warm it up but just enough because we have got a lot to do... Working in teams 3 90x deadlifts -3reps max each 1800mtrs Bike -300mtrs max each 90x bench press - 3reps max each 180x laps sled push - 3 max laps each 90 pull ups - 3-6xreps max each 1800mtrs row max 300mtrs max each 90x back squats  -3xresp... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 15/2/2017

Geoff Stewart | 14-02-2017
Warm it up - you know you want to 6mins: 10x KB swings 5x press up 10x Kb squats 5x ring rows   Working in partners 30/30 -  work / rest for 6min per station Power clean and press x5 reps Bike x30 sec Back Squats x5 reps Rowing x30sec Pull x8 (single cluster) Sled pushing x30sec   Warm it down... [Read more]

CrossFit Hackney training program 13/02/17 – 19/02/17 (week 7)

Geoff Stewart | 10-02-2017
Week 7 of our first 9-12 week program of 2017. We have been over a lot of points over the last 6 weeks of this current training block.  I have cracked on about posture, warming up properly, how your lifting numbers are compared to your bodyweight, the Whole Life Challenge (loose some KGs, gain some pull ups) repetition, repetition etc. Dave... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 8/2/2017

Geoff Stewart | 07-02-2017
Warm up and mobilize well because your going to be moving a lot of metal.   working in teams of 3 in a follow the leader format A. 24mins 3x deadlifts @ 150%+BW 3x Bench press @ 90%+ BW B. 12mins 6el x KBWalking lunges @ 50%BW 6x Dips c. 6 mins 12x KB swings 12x press ups

Josh and Jenna go to Tom Hibbert’s Squat Seminar

Geoff Stewart | 31-01-2017
Josh and Jenna like to go on courses. Jenna falls in love with the colour-coded spreadsheets and Josh likes to talk the coach's ear off with his interesting facts. (Usually nothing to do with training. Would you expect anything else?). Their latest adventure took them to Tom Hibbert’s squat seminar. Tom was England’s strongest man for three years and the world’s... [Read more]