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Engineering – October

Josh Schouten | 01-10-2015
Engineering this month will be taking a slight change in format. The aim of this is to reduce the main classes back down to a level more aimed at the beginners. By saying this does not mean that an intermediate to advanced CrossFitter will not be able to get a good solid workout while picking up a few extra tips... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 28/09/2015 – 04/10/2015

Josh Schouten | 27-09-2015
Week 11 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats COACHES COMMENT: "Our obstacle is that we live in an attention-deficit culture.  We are bombarded with more and more information on television, radio, mobile phones, video games, the Internet.  The constant supply of stimulus has the potential to turn us into addicts, always hungering for something new and prefabricated to keep... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 21/09/2015 – 27/09/2015

Josh Schouten | 20-09-2015
Week 10 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats COACHES COMMENT: Making a good salad is never as easy as you think it’s going to be.  You’d think that a mixture of lettuce, veggies and dressing would be simple enough to master, but alas, the DIY version isn’t quite like the polished restaurant version. When Alice Sims first walked into... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 14/09/2015 – 20/09/2015

Josh Schouten | 13-09-2015
Week 9 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats COACHES COMMENT: Some people like to flaunt their lack of sleep like a badge of honor.  It’s like their personal gold star of productivity, their statement that their time is much more valuable to waste on sleep. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead!” Keep going on this path if limited sleep and... [Read more]

Calais People to People

Josh Schouten | 11-09-2015
Dear Momentum Team, apologies for the long post but please do read it. Some of you are aware that the refugee crisis has been on my agenda for some time with engagement in Berlin where hundreds of refugees are arriving on a daily basis. I don’t need to tell you about the humanitarian crisis less then 30 miles from the British... [Read more]

Beginners Weightlifting Course: October 2015

Josh Schouten | 10-09-2015
Are you new to Olympic lifting, or are you still trying to master the skills need to perform the snatch, the clean & jerk?   It’s your lucky day!  Here is your chance to gain both the knowledge and the skills, under the watchful eye of Calum McNamara , required to effectively perform the Olympic lifts.  Calum is a professional... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 07/09/2015 – 13/09/2015

Josh Schouten | 06-09-2015
Week 8 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats COACHES COMMENT: Eat like you give a F**K What should I eat? I want to …<insert goal here> … What supplements can I take to help me? The answer to these questions is typically not the answer most people want to hear. If your not willing to make changes and listen... [Read more]

CrossFit Engineering – September

Josh Schouten | 01-09-2015
  CrossFit Engineering (CF-Endurance)       Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4 Monday Skill POSE Rowing POSE Rowing Strength De: Power Clean + Push Press 12 min EMOM 2 Reps @70% ME: Deadlift 3RM OR 5RM DE: Thruster 12 min EMOM 3 Reps ME: Back Squat 3RM OR 5RM Date 07/09/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 29/09/15 W.O.D 14 Min Emom... [Read more]