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CrossFit Hackney Weekly WOD’s 02/06/2014 – 08/06/2014

Josh Schouten | 01-06-2014
Monday 02/06/2014 Warm-up With and Empty bar or stick perform 6 rounds of the sequence:1 Clean Grip Deadlift1 RDL1 BOR 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 OHP (bring bar down on back) 2 Back Squats   Olympic Lifting CrossFit Athlete -then-Set a running clock for 6minFor the first 3min perform EMOM: A. 3x Mid-Hang Power Clean (light weight, use as... [Read more]

The London Box Battles Round 2: WODS

Josh Schouten
Proudly Supported by inov-8 The second round of The London Box Battles WODs have been decided.  Each individual athlete will be asked tom compete in 3 WODS over the course of the battle.   WOD 1 is designed for the stronger athletes to shine.  WOD 2 is a chance for the more skilful athletes to take some points.  WOD 3... [Read more]


Josh Schouten | 30-05-2014
Round 2 of the London Box Battles (proudly supported by inov-8) is in full preparation mode as the representatives of each box gather to establish the rules of engagement. Round 2 will see the following boxes go into battle for valuable ladder points: (more…)

7th June – Olympic Weightlifting Workshop

Josh Schouten | 29-05-2014
Olympic Weightlifting Workshop On the 7th July Momentum will host another Olympic Weightlifting Workshop for both members and non-members. As many of you are learning, CrossFit classes are as much technique as they are work ethic. Learning to move efficiently is key to being successful at CrossFit.  Movement efficiency gives you the ability to WORK harder and achieve your goals. At Momentum Training we believe that... [Read more]

Hackney Hustle 4.0

Josh Schouten
Friday nights have now officially changed.  No more pub, kebab and a bit of a razzle on the way home.  CrossFit Hackney are running the third Hackney Hustle on Friday 13th June. All you need to know: Any CrossFitter from anywhere is welcome to come and join the fun. The evening will include 2 WODs (announced upon arrival). Turn up... [Read more]

26/5/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 250m recover 3:00, until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 5k, spin/recover 3:00, until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 800m, recover 3:00, until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: Repeat :45s on,:30s off, until form/pace deteriorates Day 5 : Bike -: Repeat :45s on,:30s off, until form/pace deteriorates Day 6: Run  -: 10k TT   Runner: Day... [Read more]

CrossFit Hackney Weekly WODs 26/05/2014 – 01/06/2014

Josh Schouten | 25-05-2014
Monday 26/04/2014 Warm-up  3 Hang Clean Drills (coaches choice)   Olympic CrossFit Athlete 12min EMOM1+1 - High Pull, Hang Clean @ 70% CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie   Capacity CrossFit Athlete EMOM for 12min3 x Back Squat 20x0 CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie   WOD CrossFit Athlete 16min AMRAP50 KBS 24/16kg50 Body Weight Walking Lunges (25ea leg)50 Ab Mat Sit... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 8

Josh Schouten | 19-05-2014
It's time... For a change that is. Phase 8 Barbell Club is out! As we have split it the sessions to upper and lower for this one the sessions will run as below: We will run the program as Monday night will ALWAYS be Upper and Friday will ALWAYS be Lower. This program will run for 4 weeks. Click here... [Read more]