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CF training program, phase 2, week 9 25/9/17 – 1/10/17

Geoff Stewart | 22-09-2017
Week 9 of this training phase, Louie, is here. Read more about Louie here. Can you believe week 9 is with us already? It only seems like yesterday I was introducing you to Louie's tattoos and waxing lyrical about dynamic and maximal effort. Well the final week is here and we are looking for you to top it off with an extra few kilos... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 27/09/2017

Jenna Fisher
Stepping up the gas this week. Work in pairs A. 6 mins to warm up to your working weight - start with an empty bar and build 10 mins YGIG Alternate your sets between: 1 power clean + 2 push jerks 1 clean Girls: 60kg Guys: 75kg Aim for 60-70%. Scale if you need to. (more…)

CF training program, phase 2, week 8 18/9/17 – 24/9/17

Geoff Stewart | 15-09-2017
Week 8 of this training phase, Louie, is here. Read more about Louie here. Week 8 is all over us like white on rice. It's getting fun and a bit spicy in the classes, there are some decent weights going onto the bar and you are looking tight in more ways than one. Still remember drive the form, DON'T go for glory with a... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 20/09/2017

Jenna Fisher
Heavy and steady. Part A Every 2 mins for 6 rounds: 1 power clean + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk + 1 clean (yes, with a squat) Build the weight by 5kg each round. Girls: 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 Guys: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 You can scale the weight to what is appropriate for... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 13/09/2017

Jenna Fisher | 13-09-2017
The focus this week is heavy and steady. A. E2MOM for 6 rounds 1 power clean + 2 front squats + 1 clean (yes, with a squat). Increase the weight by 5kg each round. Girls: Build from 55kg to 80kg Guys: Build from 75kg to 100kg Scale as appropriate - lift only what is safe for you to do so. B.... [Read more]

CF training program, phase 2, week 7 11/9/17 – 17/9/17

Geoff Stewart | 08-09-2017
Week 7 of this training phase, Louie, is here. Read more about Louie here. We have decided in all our knowledge and wisdom (and we have had some great feedback) that we would like to extend this phase and bring those rep numbers down and start to dig into the strength cave and search out some new 1-5 rep maxes. Remember we... [Read more]