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CFH Training Plan 13/07/2015 – 19/07/2015

Josh Schouten | 12-07-2015
Week 16 of 16 Juggernaut COACHES COMMENT:  This week all I'm going to say is good luck and enjoy it.  Many of you have worked your butts off over the last 16weeks to improve your strength in the Squat, Deadlift, Bench and Overhead Press.  For those who have recorded the journey it will be rewarding to look back at the... [Read more]

London Box Battles – Round 2, 2015 – Movement Standards

Josh Schouten | 06-07-2015
Proudly supported by:     WOD1 Part A –  Clean Complex: 1 Deadlift +1 Hang Clean (power clean or squat clean, as long as the bar starts from above the knee in the hang clean) +1 Front Squat +1 STOH All 4 repetitions must be unbroken; athletes are not allowed to drop the bar between repetitions. The movement standards are:... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 06/07/2015 – 12/07/2015

Josh Schouten | 05-07-2015
Week 15 of 16 Juggernaut COACHES COMMENT:  A Healthy Bank Account -  We should manage our health status the same way as we manage our “bank account”, something from which we make deposits and withdrawals.  Like a bank account, our “Health Balance” is a product of credits minus debits. If we make more frequent (or larger) deposits than withdrawals, we... [Read more]

CrossFit Hackney AM v’s PM Throwdown

Josh Schouten | 03-07-2015
Who trains harder?  Who is stronger, fitter, faster, and better looking?   It is true that the early bird catches the worm?  Or do the evening members see better gains by releasing their daily work frustration on the iron? Its time to find the answer to all of these questions and more! CrossFit Hackney is planning an AM v PM throwdown.... [Read more]

CrossFit Engineering – July

Josh Schouten | 29-06-2015
CrossFit Engineering (CF-Endurance)   Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Monday Skill POSE Rowing POSE Rowing POSE Strength De: Power Clean + Push Press 12 min EMOM 2 Reps @70% ME: Bench Press 5 x 5 DE: Close Stance Squats 4 reps on the 12 min ME: Snatch Grip Deadlifts 5x 3 DE: Power Clean +... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 29/06/2015 – 05/07/2015

Josh Schouten | 28-06-2015
Week 14 of 16 Juggernaut COACHES COMMENT:  The Juggernaut system is rolling to a close and I can honestly say it’s been a fantastic programme from both an athlete and a coach’s perspective.  I look forward to hearing the PB bell ringing in the closing 2 weeks of Juggernaut.  If you hit a PB, not matter how small the increment,... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 7

Josh Schouten | 26-06-2015
The work put in by those who follow the Barbell Club programming  has wreaked rewards with some nice increases in kilos on the bar also plenty of bell ringing during the 1RM attempts! Remember that dedication to consistency will lead to long term results. One thing that makes Momentum Training stand out is that accountability with a relaxed style. As... [Read more]


Josh Schouten | 24-06-2015
  Let the Battles Commence With a successful round 1 out of the way we roll on to round 2. Round 2:  Any weekend between July 18th – August 9th Format: Same sex partner teams for Group A, Group B and Group C Athletes: Maximum of 15 teams from each box (30athletes)         Battle Hosting Box Visiting... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 22/06/2015 – 28/06/2015

Josh Schouten | 21-06-2015
Week 13 of 16 Juggernaut COACHES COMMENT:  All of you should be proud of your Juggernaut accomplishments over the last 12 weeks. You worked for them. We now enter the heaviest phase of the 16-week program, the 3's wave.  Now is the time to start believing in yourself and your ability to take your strength to the next level. Now is not... [Read more]