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CFH Training Days 01/12/2014 – 07/12/2014

Josh Schouten | 30-11-2014
Week 10/12 Diane, Chealsea, and Mary will be joing us this week at CrossFit Hackney.  A chance to put your training to the test and complete 3/12 of the CrossFit benchmark workouts planned for December.   Keeping a record – it rather easy to measure strength GAINZ, the number of repetitions you perform at what weight.  It can be a... [Read more]

24/11/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 23-11-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 200m, recover 3:00 until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat (800m, recover 1:1; 400m, recover 1:1) until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 1200m, recover 3:00 until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -:Repeat (50m, recover 1:1; 25m, recover 1:1) until form/pace deteriorates Day 5 : Bike -: 10M TT Day 6: Run... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 24/11/2014 – 30/11/2014

Josh Schouten
Week 9/12 The final 4 weeks of the current phase commences this week.  We are going to be working towards  5RM's on the 3 main lifts (squat, deadlift, bench).  Follow the percentages on these lifts and stick to the programme that matches your current level 0f strength (this is based on the CrossFit Hackney levels).  Each member will get the... [Read more]

CrossFit Engineering 24/11/14 – 21/12/14

Josh Schouten | 21-11-2014
CrossFit Engineering classes are still a workout. We simply spend more time on the basics and get these right. If you are looking for some more time to spend on those tekkers get in and target those weaknesses. Please see the table below for wha the days will entail. For further info please read on. Skill Monday CrossFit Endurance Focus... [Read more]

22/12/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 6:00 on, 4:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 6:00 on, 4:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 6:00 on, 4:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -:Repeat 25m, recover :30 until form/pace deteriorates Day 5 : Bike -: Repeat 400m, recover :30 until form/pace deteriorates Day... [Read more]

Get Your Pistols Out

Josh Schouten | 19-11-2014
Pistols would have to be one of the toughest bodyweight exercises in CrossFit, besides handstand push-ups and muscle-ups. Pistols, or one-legged squats, are a great demonstration of strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility. (more…)

The 12 WODs of Christmas

Josh Schouten | 18-11-2014
Santa had 8 reindeers: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. Christmas at Crossfit Hackney has 12 benchmark girls to help us have a jolly good time. Angie, Barbra, Chelsea, Diane, Elizabeth and more will be joining us at CrossFit Hackney for a very Merry Christmas.   (more…)

Barbell Club – Phase 14

Josh Schouten | 16-11-2014
Phase 14 Aim: We are aiming at getting high threshold motor units firing here. Great for the older BB Club guys and adjustable for the newer crew too! Don't forget the new BB Club shirts are now in stock for Xmas. Let's live buy the Momentum Ethos. Don't be a shit bloke. Make the commitment and get some gainz.    ... [Read more]

17/11/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 4:00on, 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 4:00on, 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 4:00on, 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: 30:00 @ 80% Day 5 : Bike -: Repeat 800m, recover :30s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 6: Run  -: 30:00 @... [Read more]