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CrossFit Hackney – Mesocycle 29/9/14 -14/12/14

Josh Schouten | 27-09-2014
A new 12 week mesocycle (Sept-14 - Dec-14) is about to start at CrossFit Hackney. These 12 weeks will have the following goals: Squats The mesocycle will kick off with a hypertrophy focus and some challenging tempo back squats for high repetitions.  Over the 3 microcycles (4weeks each) the back squat exercise selections will aim to build some muscle mass and strengthen the quality of the... [Read more]

CrossFit Engineering – Endurance

Josh Schouten | 25-09-2014
CrossFit Engineering - Endurance: CrossFit Endurance takes the traditional Arthur Lydiard's style of Volume, Intensity & Technique (LSD) and flips it in its head focusing on technique, intensity and then adding volume. CrossFit Endurance aims at skinning the cat in a different manner, looking to improve areas of fitness that the average LSD athlete lacks. Focusing on Technique first will allow... [Read more]

Welcome to CrossFit Engineering

Josh Schouten
So you’ve found a weakness and you want to fix it? “My dips suck and I need to be able to do ring dips.” “How will I ever get the time to practice?” Welcome to the new CrossFit Engineering (CFE) classes. The CFE classes have been designed to help athletes of all levels learn the technique and build the strength required... [Read more]

The CrossFit Hackney Training Ethos – (part 4)

Josh Schouten
When you biff (kiwi word apparently) a stone into a lake, the initial impact will cause large ripples.  Over time these ripples will subside and calm will be restored.  So shit just got real at CrossFit Hackney and the new levels may have caused some ripples.   Guess what? You can no longer escape your weaknesses! To be honest, everyone seems... [Read more]

CrossFit Skills – The Pushing Edge (week 5)

Josh Schouten | 23-09-2014
Last week in the pushing edge (week 4) we took a look at the power-jerk and the split-jerk movements.  This week we are going to continue on the pushing ideas and start to look a gymnastics elements.  In CrossFit, body weight movements are considered gymnastics (e.g., air squats, push-ups, pull-ups, dips, etc..).  In CrossFit, the gymnastics label is applied to any exercise... [Read more]

22/9/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 21-09-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 25m, recover 25m easy, until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 400m, recover 400m spin, until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 100m, recover 100m walk, until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: Repeat 6:00 on, 4:00 off, until form/pace deteriorates Day 5 : Bike -: 20M TT Day 6: Run  -: Repeat 6:00 on, 4:00 off, until... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 22/09/2014 – 28/09/2014

Josh Schouten
Week 12/12 And it all comes down to this!  Week 12 is mainly percentage work form the 1RM's established in week 11.  The only exception is Thursday when we will test either a 3RM or a 1RM back squat.  Has the leg strength traiing paid off? This weeks overview: Day  Focus Monday Snatch Day Movement Quality: PowerCleans and Box Jumps... [Read more]

CrossFit Skills – The Pushing Edge (week 4)

Josh Schouten | 16-09-2014
Last week we took a look at “getting organizes,” “ finding the overhead position,” “the jerk rack position,” “strict press,” and “push press” technique.  Understanding these basic position and movements are important in the progression towards this week’s skills.   We are going to break down the power jerk (push-jerk) and the split jerk. Remember form last week “The movement of... [Read more]

10 Lessons Learnt On The CrossFit Gymnastics Level 1 Cert.

Josh Schouten | 15-09-2014
Over the weekend I attended a CrossFit Gymnastics Certification in Northampton hosted by Jen, Sam and Katrina.  The level 1 course covered warm-ups, hollow body, arch body, bar work (TTB, pull-ups, kipping and more), rings (Skin the cats, back and front leavers, push-ups, dips, muscle-ups), handstands, planches and parallettes.  A lot of information in 2 days, but well worth the... [Read more]