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Josh Schouten | 15-09-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 250m, recover 2:00, until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 1.5k, recover 2:00, until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 800m, recover 2:00, until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: 1000m @ 85% 800m TT pace Day 5 : Bike -: Repeat :90 on, :60s off, until form/pace deteriorates Day 6: Run  -: 10k @ 85% race pace... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 12

Josh Schouten
Here you go guys.. Read up and print out if you are here for real results! Phase 12 This month we will be going with some dynamic efforts to begin with. This will also give us volume over the 20 minutes. If you can't yet get your chin to the bar we will be working on tempo (see program). You... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 15/09/2014 – 21/09/2014

Josh Schouten | 14-09-2014
Week 11/12 Tne weeks are flying by and the feedback from members over the last 12 weeks has been very positive.  Here are some of the comments: "I've PB my snatch more than once in this 12 week phase" "I've PB my snatch and my clean in this 2 week phase" "I've deadlifted 20kg over my body weight and done... [Read more]

The London Box Battles – Round 3

Josh Schouten | 10-09-2014
It’s a shame to report that CrossFit North London has decided to withdraw from the 2014 competition.  We hope to see them back in 2015. Round 3: Event Format Round 3 of The London Box Battles will be an individual event with the following breakdown: Battle 3: Number of athletes (more…)

CrossFit Skills – The Pushing Edge (week 3)

Josh Schouten | 09-09-2014
In week 1 of the pushing edge we talka baout shoulder stability and the anatomy of the shoulder.  Its not uncommon for most weakend warriors to have weak rotator cuff muscles. We went on to test a 1RM bench press and the structual balance of the shoulder. In week 2 we took the 1RM bench press and used it to... [Read more]

Survey feedback

Geoff Stewart | 08-09-2014
A massive thank you to everyone who completed the survey in the summer. We read every response, and we’ve taken it all on board. There are some things we can’t do much about (like Josh’s hair), but the below is a summary of some of the common themes and the changes we’ve made or will be making in response to... [Read more]

September, October, November and December Foundations dates 2014

Geoff Stewart
What is CrossFit Foundations? CrossFit Foundations is a set of lessons designed to provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to participate in a CrossFit class at CrossFit Hackney (and any other CrossFit affiliate you might visit for that matter!). The CrossFit Hackney Foundations programme is not part of your normal membership.  It has been designed to introduce... [Read more]

CFH Training Days 08/09/2014 – 14/09/2014

Josh Schouten | 07-09-2014
Week 10/12 The weeks continue to roll on and the GAINZ in the gym are slowly creeping up.  A number of members have made some very honest improvements in their Olympic lifting ability.  Its also going to be interesting to see how the back squat leg strenght improvements will go in the final few weeks. The new CrossFit Engine Work... [Read more]

CrossFit Skills – The Pushing Edge (week 2)

Josh Schouten | 02-09-2014
In week 1 we played around with a 1RM bench press and we tested the structual balance of the internal and external rotators of the shoulder.  This week we will use this information to test your overhead pressing (OHP) strength.  You may have noticed that the new CFH Levels have been released, and a number of the weightlifting movements have been... [Read more]