#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 19/2/2014 #withmomentum
Warm-up 3 Rounds 10 Thrusters with empty bar 10 sec hold in bottom of front squat position 2 laps Backwards Running on Track (emphasis forefoot landing) Spend 2-3min Thoracic Rolling Strength CrossFit Athlete A-1 Front Squat 6x 3,3,3,2,2,2 @88+% 1RM 30x0 rst:90 A-2 Back Squat 6x 4,3,3,2,2,2 40x0 @85+% rst :90 CrossFit A-1 5x 5-6 @75-80% 1RM A-2 5x6-8 @65-73% 1RM... [Read more]