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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 2/2/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 02-02-2014
Warm-up With empty bar complete: 3 Rounds: 5 Deadlift 5 Clean High Pull 5 Push Press 5 Front Squat 25 ea direction lateral band walks Strength CrossFit Athlete A-1 Deadlift from podium stand on 15kg plates) 5x 5,5,5,4,4 20x0 rst: 100sec A-2 Glute-Ham Raises 5 x 8-10 30x0 rst:100sec CrossFit & CrossFit Endurance A-1 5x5 20x0 rst: 100sec A-2 [Scale: Nordic... [Read more]

A Busy Month at Momentum Training

Josh Schouten | 01-02-2014
January is over and what a busy month it has been at Momentum Training. We have had a fantastic intake of new members keen to get on-board with CrossFit, Met-con, Barbell Club and Skills classes. The Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday CrossFit Foundations classes have been fully booked out, and both Tom and Jenna have been getting some excellent feedback for... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 1/2/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Warm-up 15minutes HSPU Tekkers Thruster Tekkers K2E Tekkers Warm-up Deadlift to prepare for prescribed weight Set-up stations in preperation for WOM * NOTE Athletes will need to share bars for Deadlifts and Thrusters W.O.M CrossFit Athlete "The Seven" (40min time cap) CrossFit Athletes: Seven rounds for time of: 7 Handstand push-ups 7 Thruster 60/35kg 7 Knees to elbows 7 Deadlift... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 31/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 31-01-2014
Warm-up 10minutes to warm-up Snatch and OHS tekkers Strength All Athlete EMOM for 5 min: 2 Power Snatch + 2 OHS (both power snatch completed first) @ 60% + 5 Burpees Rest for 2minuted before repeating another 5min EMOM repeat. Capacity EMOM for 12minutes: - even minute: 16 Weight plate OH Walking Lunges - odd minute: 10 TTB [Scale: TT-Rings->K2E->V-Ups]... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 30/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 30-01-2014
Warm-up 3 rounds (12minutes) of: :40sec max reps of Wall Balls :40rest * try to maintain Wall Ball reps each round Strength All Athlete A. 1 Power Clean & 2 Front Squats @70-75% 1RM EMOM for 12minutes Capacity EMOM for 10minutes Even Minute perform 3 Front Squats* @ best weight lifted in A. Odd Minute Perform 3 Kipping HSPU  ... [Read more]

Squeezing in an Ironman

Josh Schouten | 29-01-2014
I seize any opportunity I have to talk with others about Crossfit Endurance (it’s amazing!), and this is no exception.  If I can keep your attention long enough, I’ll try to give you my story with this discipline that has put me successfully through 3 IMs – injury free, on less than 50% of the training time of most others,... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 29/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Warm-up 3 Rounds of: 8 Inverse Ring Rows 8 Ring Press-ups 16 Walking Lunges w/ toe touch (when stepping forward with the right leg the athlete will touch there right foot with their left hand) Gymnastics Day Kipping Practice If you have strict pull-ups: Perform 2 round of the following sequence: A. 10 Kipping Pull-ups rest :45sec B. 10 Kipping... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 28/01/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 28-01-2014
Warm-up 3 Rounds of: 10 Weight Plate Deadlifts 10 Weight Plate Cleans 10 Weight Plate OHP Strength 20minutes to establish All Athlete A. 5RM Standing BB Military Press 30x0 rst:90 B. 5RM Strict Pull-up rst:90 If you can not perform a 5 strict pull-ups please test how much weight you can lower for a single rep with tempo of 10,0,0,0... [Read more]