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CF training program, phase 2, week 3 14/8/17 – 20/8/17

Geoff Stewart | 11-08-2017
Week 3 of our new training phase, Louie. Read more about Louie here. Week 2 Seemed to have gone down well and you peeps got to grips with some new skills. The energy days seemed to have fooled a few by looking simple but being f****** hard.   If you spend some time looking at quality strength and conditioning theory and... [Read more]

Crossfit Weapons 6/8/2017

Geoff Stewart | 04-08-2017
            8min Alt with a parnter - light 10x KB swings 5x KB cleans ea 10x KB goblet squats 5x KB push press     3x5min Rounds A1.Run 400m A2. ME alt arms KB clean and Press -Heavy   5x2min Rounds B1. Row 200m B2. ME over rower burpees Rest 2 mins Between Round  ... [Read more]

CF training program, phase 2, week 2 7/8/17 – 13/8/17

Geoff Stewart
Week 2 of our new training phase, Louie. Read more about Louie here. Week 1 is done and dusted and week 2 is on you like another episode of Game of Thrones. So how did you find week 1?  A few people have mentioned that we have added some  longer rest periods. Resting isn't a crime and although experience tells us... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 2/8/2107

Geoff Stewart | 01-08-2017
  Working with a partners 2min work 2 min rest cycle thought stations for 40 mins. Make note of each rep count at each staion   Row 16/20cals Pull ups ME   Assault bike 16/20cals DB man-makers ME (no squat)   Row 16/20cals KB swings ME   Assault bike 16/20cals DB thrusters ME

Barbell Club 2017 – Phase 8 – A Benoit Sequel

Jenna Fisher | 31-07-2017
After another phase of targeting specific muscle groups this month’s stimulus will change to a whole body circuit in both classes. The method for the A exercises is another gem from Andre Benoit (see October 2016 for the first). (more…)

CF training program, phase 2, week 1 31/7/17 – 6/8/17

Geoff Stewart | 28-07-2017
Week 1 of our new training phase, Louie. Read more about Louie here. In this phase we are looking to introduce you to some new exercises in our Olympic lifting days, as well as some old classics. Make sure you understand the movement and have it sorted before you start loading the bar.  On the ME days we want you to... [Read more]

Lift to perform, not to impress

Geoff Stewart | 27-07-2017
Sadly, our squat focussed phase (and your newly tightened assets) will be quite literally behind us on Sunday 30th July and we will be welcoming in our brand new training phase, focussing on Olympic lifting and also including some energy systems work. We will be calling this phase Louie and we’re super excited about it. Jenna and Josh have just... [Read more]