
Gymnastics – Beginners – November 2019

Jenna Fisher | 06-11-2019
  November's program goes back to basics as gymnastics is changing to a beginner program. It was introduced as an intermediate/advanced class a few years ago so that people would get a chance to practice the harder movements that are not programmed in the regular classes in order to keep those achievable for all levels. Muscle-ups, HSPU, and HS walk... [Read more]

StrongCon Schedule

Jenna Fisher | 05-11-2019
The session days for StrongCon are listed below. These are for the 6-week trial to give all classes a taster of the different workouts. The program has been adjusted slightly to allow for a bigger class size (12 people instead of 8) so do check it out - link at the bottom. If it becomes too much of a squeeze... [Read more]

November Mobility Program

Anthony Masters | 04-11-2019
As many of you know I am skiving off to Malaysia and Indonesia for 3 weeks soon. I figured doing a course related to mobility on the other side of the planet would justify extending my trip into a holiday. Fear not, you will be in good hands, in my absence Leticia will be running the classes. For those of... [Read more]

Crossfit program 4th November – 10th November 2019

Geoff Stewart | 03-11-2019
Week 10 of 12 . Week 10, Basic lifting patterns this week, 5x5 is the order of the week. Monday - Cleans, pull ups and "inverse" a repeat from week 6 Tuesday - Bench press and 2minutes and 1minute. Wednesday -Clusters and “Rugrats” Thursday -Unicorn ninja magic stuff Friday - Deadlift, pressing  and YGIG Saturday - Snatching and  a "Hot... [Read more]

Barbell Club – November 2019

Jenna Fisher | 01-11-2019
There are big changes ahead for BBC. This post will give an outline of what the future holds before moving on to this month's program. This year, and previously, BBC has moved through an annual programming cycle of muscle endurance, hypertrophy, strength, endurance, hypertrophy, strength. This provided progression and increased rep records. A rep record is where your squat has... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 28th October to 3rd November

Geoff Stewart | 27-10-2019
Week 9 of 12 . Week 9, We are back to our basic lifting session. Lots of 5x5 sets this week. In lifting and fitness terms these are some magic numbers we would like you look at lifting a good % of your 1RPM to build some good capacity at a good weight. Work your WODs keep it clean. Monday... [Read more]

Weightlifting – November 2019

Josh Schouten
This month we are working on higher percentages, building towards maxing out in December. A few drills to focus on faster turnovers and being more solid in the catch position! Week 1 Monday A: Backsquat - 1x10@25%, 1x5@50%, 1x3@60%, 5x3@70% B: Power Snatch - 1x5@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85% C: Snatch - 1x3@50%, 1x2@60%, 1x2@70%, 1x1@80%, 1x1@85,1x1@90%, 4x3@85% D: Pendlay... [Read more]

Competition Carnival – November 2019

Jenna Fisher | 22-10-2019
Note - this competition has been postponed due to low numbers. New date TBC in the new year. A Christmas social event will be posted soon instead x   It's competition time again! Saturday 16th November will host our winter carnival. As before, we will sweat together from 12.30pm and then celebrate the holiday season with cold beers and warm... [Read more]