
Crossfit Program – 13th June – 19th June 2022

Geoff Stewart | 12-06-2022
Week 1. We are heading into a new training phase people. This week we are going to get back into the groove with a "bedding" in a week, this isn't a easy week people.  The testing in this phase will happen in week 2 and you'll be doing some heavy breathing (bike/ rowing intervals) a new CrossFit girl called "Ellen"... [Read more]

Maxout & Metcon team comp!

Jenna Fisher | 09-06-2022
On Saturday 18th June we are having a community day of social events for our members. There will be powerlifting sessions early morning to max your squat/bench/deadlifts, metcon team competitions mid-morning, and BBQ and beer in the afternoon. (more…)

Barbell Basics.

Geoff Stewart
  Barbell Basics has been running for 4 weeks now so it's time to change things around a little. This doesn't mean it's going to get complex. We are going to change the days over so if you're only doing 1-day you'll still get an understanding of the movement and the program.  If you want to build some tone, learn... [Read more]

Crossfit Program – 6th June – 12th June 2022

Geoff Stewart | 05-06-2022
Week 10. This is our testing week. This doesn't mean we are going to sit about drinking coffee and eating biscuits, we are still going to follow the format of the program but we have put a few milestone workouts into to week and you're going to spend a bit more time than normal getting prepared for the workout (if... [Read more]

Gymnastics program – June

Anthony Masters | 04-06-2022
Hello team, So here we go into phase 3 of the programming. This month we continue to build on top of the foundations we were working on in the previous 2 months making things a little harder as we get stronger. Both Tuesday and Thursday sessions are different, but you will also have freedom at the beginning to master any... [Read more]

StrongCon – June 2022

Jenna Fisher | 30-05-2022
  StrongCon workouts: June-July 2022 Workout 1: cardio = short intervals, hard effort level / main lift = back squat Workout 2: cardio = long intervals, medium effort level  / main lift = deadlift Workout 3: cardio = medium intervals, hard effort level / main lift = bench pess I strongly recommend reading the spreadsheet rather than just the whiteboard... [Read more]

Crossfit Program – 30th May – 5th June 2022

Geoff Stewart | 29-05-2022
Week 9. This is a big week everything is coming together well your lifting number and your fitness are all moving North. We will be testing next week so look after yourself check-in with your numbers please don't hurt yourself. Be brave.   Monday – Clean & Jerk Tuesday – Back Squat and Pulling Wednesday – Conditioning Thursday – Gymnastics... [Read more]

News note – June 2022

Geoff Stewart | 28-05-2022
  Another exciting news note coming your way. This note has taken a bit of an abstract wonder, mostly we are chatting about gym music and the Momentum Spotify account. We do, however bring you some news of gym competitions, social events, new gym swag and exciting news from Arch 325. _________________________ It's a bit of an abstract news note... [Read more]

Crossfit Program – 23rd May – 29th May 2022

Geoff Stewart | 22-05-2022
Week 8. Another big week coming your way. Check your numbers you would (hopefully) notice there is a theme to bits of your program as we a building to our tasting week (10). Keep going keep pushing. Be brave.   Monday – Clean & Jerk Tuesday – Back Squat and Pulling Wednesday – Conditioning Thursday – Gymnastics Friday – Snatch... [Read more]