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Whole Life Challenge 2017

Josh Schouten | 01-01-2017
Whole Life Challenge 3,2,1…GO!!! Who’s up for a "Whole Life Challenge” (WLC)?.  in 2017 Momentum Training will be encouraging our members to take part in a WLC.   Josh will be joining in on this and looking to show what can be achieved in 8 weeks.  The 56 days of the WLC will help you create healthy lifestyle habits and a... [Read more]

CrossFit Hackney training program 2/1/2017 – 8/1/2017

Geoff Stewart | 30-12-2016
Welcome back and a very happy New Year to you all and those few extra pounds you may be bringing along with you.  You’ve squeezed into your lycra so let's begin. There’s a bit of an intro to the first 9-12 week training phase of 2017 here. In our CrossFit classes this year we will move away from three levels... [Read more]

Meet Peter: the 2017 CrossFit Hackney program

Geoff Stewart | 28-12-2016
  The New Year is nearly upon us and it’s time to get stuck into a new CrossFit program. So what can we tell you to entice you into your lycra once you’ve recovered from your NYE excesses? Firstly, this year’s new program will continue some of the principles of our usual program design (you can read more about our... [Read more]

New Year offers

Geoff Stewart | 27-12-2016
Refer a friend for 30% off If you refer a friend (who is brand new to Momentum Training) between now and the end of February 2017 we’ll give you both 30% off one month’s membership (including Foundations or met con, if your friend hasn’t CrossFitted before). New memberships need to be purchased by the end of February 2017 then email... [Read more]

Our CrossFit training program: the basics

Geoff Stewart
On one level, training program design is fairly complex - it involves combining theory, empirical evidence/experience and a bit of magic. There are many, many views on how to design programs and many different methods of going about it depending on what your aims are. There is a lot of chaff amongst the wheat in an area that is too... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 21/12/2016

Geoff Stewart | 20-12-2016
Warm up for the workout   On your own get yourselves a barbell and warm up for a 75% clean and press   EMOM 0-5. 3x Clean press 5-10. “Cindy” 10-15. 3x Clean press 15-20. alt bike / rower 25-30. 3x Clean press 35-40. “Cindy”   “Cindy” 5x Pull ups 10x press ups 15x air squats     Good luck... [Read more]

2017 Membership and Inbody scan offers

Geoff Stewart | 19-12-2016
We will be running two new year offers this year: Refer a friend for 30% off If you refer a friend (who is brand new to Momentum Training) between now and the end of February 2017 we’ll give you both 30% off one month’s membership (including Foundations or met con, if your friend hasn’t CrossFitted before). You both need to purchase... [Read more]