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Heavy Metcon 9/11/16

Geoff Stewart | 08-11-2016
  Warm up because it cold.   Round 1 -12 mins Alt with partner - YGIG Back squat 5 resp Farmers carry 50%Bw in each hand   Round 2 – 12mns Alt with partner - YGIG Bench press 5reps DB traveling press up walk   Round 3 – 20mins Teams 4 Follow the leader you bike until rack carry returns... [Read more]

Crossfit training programs 7/11/2016 – 13/11/2016

Geoff Stewart | 06-11-2016
Week 2 is upon us already and a chill is in the air. But that doesn’t seem to have affected you guys and the amount of work you're putting in. Well done guys it seems you are carrying a cracking level of fitness forward from our last phase and hitting this one with some good old fashioned vengeance. Our double... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 11- Intensification

Jenna Fisher
The last phase was a high volume, hard, sweaty slog. You all did an amazing job and it made me so proud to see how you have all developed this year.  To maximise that development before hitting the volume again the next phase will focus on lower reps so that you can expose your body to heavier weight. This may... [Read more]

heavy Metcon 2/11/16

Geoff Stewart | 01-11-2016
                Warm up - Like you mean it x Ladders............. Working with a partner in a YGIG format. 6min to climb the ladder for main exercises 3min alt faast reps for manmakers   Power cleans (medium / heavy) Manmakers DB / KB - fluid Pull ups Manmakers DB / Kb Deadlifts (medium /... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan 3/10/2016 – 6/11/2016

Geoff Stewart | 30-10-2016
  A new month, a new program… The last training block was aimed very much at your general GPP (general physical preparedness) and we had some good results and built upon some already great engines. In this new six week phase we are gong to focus on your clean and press, rowing and a good old Crossfit girl called GRACE.... [Read more]

Gymnastics: Handstand Phase 1: Preperation & Alignment

Josh Schouten | 29-10-2016
Ask any longtime hand balancers and they'll tell you that consistent handstands take years to build. Yes, there are several ways to work smarter to help speed up the process - but consistent quality practice is required if you are going to master the perfect handstand.  Handstands are a critical component of bodyweight training as they lay the foundation upon... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 26/10/2016

Geoff Stewart | 25-10-2016
Kcal make prizes... Warm up –for workout   45mins work Back squats x5 @ BW Strict Pull ups x5 @ BW Deadlifts x5 @1.5 %BW Dips x5 @BW Then… Bike 20kcals or Row 15kcals   Compltete as many rounds as possible for a total of Kcals.

Crossfit training plan 24/10/16 – 30/10/16

Geoff Stewart | 23-10-2016
Into week 2 of 2 of our GPP realization phase. So a number of pieces will be coming round again, you know what to expect - where that extra kilo might be hiding and where that extra rep is. Put that extra kilo on your timed pieces and increase the amount of weight shifted. Same as last week please folk.... [Read more]