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Heavy Metcon 20/1/16

Geoff Stewart | 19-01-2016
  Wednesday 20/1/16 Warm up wall squats 10 Pull up shrugs 10 goblet squats 10 Ring rows 10 walking lunges 10 Press ups 10 KB swings 10 x5 rounds   working in A UGIG format 1 >10 ladder weight stations and a 10sec > 60 second clock on machine stations A            bench press / Deadlifts B            Bike (max distance )... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 18/01/2016 – 24/01/2016

Josh Schouten | 17-01-2016
Week 1 of 5 EST + CrossFit Open Prep COACHES COMMENT: I get loads of questions each week regarding training, nutrition, CrossFit competitions, diet, intermitted fasting, becoming a personal trainer/CrossFit coach, the best courses to study….etc… the list goes on.  I always do my best to answer these questions and help as many people as possible. Here are some good... [Read more]


Geoff Stewart
Monday 18/1/2016   Warm up Bands roller's and ball Mobility drills coaches choice 10 mins People. warm up for snatches 10mins   (more…)

Whole Life Challenge – Part III

Josh Schouten | 14-01-2016
Now that we have Measurement and Testing set up for this weekend 16th Jan we can now start to focus on what we should consume throughout the challenge.  As you will need to select a level you are willing to stick to for the 56 days. Please print this and keep this handy at home to make the challenge as... [Read more]

Try us out!

Geoff Stewart | 11-01-2016
- Try out three classes for just £35. - Choose from any Metcon class on our timetable and our CrossFit Trial class on Saturday mornings. - Come to any combination of Metcon and CrossFit Trial classes up to a total of three sessions in two weeks. - Classes are suitable for everyone, regardless of previous experience. Read more about them.        ... [Read more]

Weapons 12/1/15 – 15/1/15

Geoff Stewart
  Monday 11/1/2016 warm up Spend 10mins with a foam roller please warm up for clean 10mins A. Clean Pulls. B. Muscle clean C. Power clean. D. Deep Power clean. E. Clean with a three second pause in the bottom position (more…)

Barbell Club – Phase 1

Josh Schouten | 10-01-2016
As it's a new year so is it a new phase. Barbell Club is designed to take you from strength to strength literally. If you are looking to continue to you build your strength, following a pure strength program is the most efficient way to progress to your strength goals. In Barbell Club we like to aim to teach you... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 10/01/2016 – 16/01/2016

Josh Schouten
Week 10 of 10 Energy System Training COACHES COMMENT: 10/10 weeks have now passed of the Energy System Training phase (EST). "What’s next" I hear you ask?  Well the good news is the EST is not over.... maybe bad news for some (Corey?)  We will however be introducing some pure CrossFit WODs into the training program in the run up to the... [Read more]