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Barbell Club Phase 13

Josh Schouten | 11-12-2015
The year is coming to an end. The last phase of Barbell Club is here.... The dates on this one will be a little different as we will have some disruptions with Christmas breaks. Weeks 1 & 2 will be coming to you before Xmas although you will need to wait until 2016 for weeks 3 & 4. We will... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 9/12/15

Geoff Stewart | 08-12-2015
09/12/15 Warm up wall squats 10 Pull up shrugs 10 Goblet squats 10 Ring rows 10 walking lunges 10 Press ups 10 x5 rounds (more…)

CFH Training Plan 07/12/2015 – 13/12/2015

Josh Schouten | 06-12-2015
Week 5 of 10 Energy System Training COACHES COMMENT: THE ROLE OF THE STUDENT Last week we talked a little about the role of the coach, this week lets change the focus to the students.  The role of the CrossFit student is to firstly listen to their coaches and pay attention to instructions. As a student, your role is to diversify... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 2/12/15

Geoff Stewart | 01-12-2015
I'm back from holiday and regular heavy met con service is now resumed and open to those of you who have got some skills and most importantly, are willing to put the effort in. Any questions, give me a buzz G x   HEAVY METCON 25/11/15 Warm up A 3x Wall squats 5 Goblet squats 10 Air squats 15 B 3x... [Read more]

Engineering – December / Jan

Josh Schouten
CrossFit Engineering (CF-Endurance)   Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4 Monday Skill POSE Rowing POSE Rowing Strength DE: 12 EMOM Deadlifts x 5 @65%Aux: B1: BB/DB Back Step 3 x 12 @ 22x0 B2: FLR 3 x 40-60 sec ME: Squat 4 x 8Aux: B1: BB/DB Back Step 3 x 12 @ 22x0 B2: FLR 3 x 40-60 sec... [Read more]

Weapons 1/12/15 – 4/12/15

Geoff Stewart | 30-11-2015
    Tuesday 1/12/2015   10 mins band mobility warm up for clean 10mins A. 3x Clean Pulls. B. 3x Muscle clean C. 3x Power clean. D. 3x Deep Power clean. E. 3x Clean with a three second pause in the bottom position (more…)

CFH Training Plan 30/11/2015 – 06/12/2015

Josh Schouten | 29-11-2015
Week 4 of 10 Energy System Training COACHES COMMENT: THE ROLE OF A GOOD COACH Is your CrossFit coach a real coach, or are they just a motivator?  Contrary to popular opinion, the role of a good coach is not to recognise and reward aptitude, any amature can hand out “carrots” for good execution.  A good coach is there to help uncover... [Read more]

Why the AirFit Bikes are so “GOOD?”

Josh Schouten | 25-11-2015
Over the last few weeks you have possibly had the pleasure of using the AirFit Bikes. The model we have at Momentum are called AirFit and they are very similar to Assault Bikes and Aerodynes, just a different make with slightly less tension than the others. Don’t you just love them? Some of you have asked me “why are they... [Read more]