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Heavy retcon 28/10/15

Geoff Stewart | 27-10-2015
Heavy Met-Con Date 28/10/15 Warm up 5 rounds 5 wall squats 5 goblet squats 10 air squats 5 staic walkout 5 press ups 10 mountain climbers (more…)

CFH Training Plan 26/10/2015 – 01/11/2015

Josh Schouten
Week 15 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats COACHES COMMENT: The first rule for intelligent eating in the modern world – Part 2 In part 1 last week we talked about “Is it food, or is it food stuff?”    To continue on from this we need to begin by shelving conventional wisdom: -       Forget the food pyramid / food... [Read more]

London Box Battles – Round 3, 2015 – Movement Standards

Josh Schouten | 24-10-2015
LBBR3 - 15.1 “Activated FRAN” Part A – Part A. 6min to establish: 2RM Thruster + Max unbroken set of Strict Pull-ups (GROUP A/B) OR + MAX chin over the bar hold (GROUP C) Score = Thruster weight + (2x Number of Unbroken pull-ups or Chin holds) The movement standards are: (more…)

Energy System Training – Part 1 – Energy production

Josh Schouten
The CrossFit Hackney training ethos rolls on as we move into the final phase for 2015.  After spending 16 weeks building Juggernaut strength, 16week focusing on speed and power with Olympic lifts and Russian squats, we will now move to Conjugate strength and energy system training (EST). What do you know about EST?  Do you understand the difference between aerobic,... [Read more]

Weapons 20/10/15 – 23/10/15

Geoff Stewart | 19-10-2015
    Tuesday 20/10/2015 warm up "warm up for clean 10mins A. clean Pulls. B. Muscle clean C. Power clean. D. Deep Power clean. E. Clean with a three second pause in the bottom position" (more…)

CFH Training Plan 19/10/2015 – 25/10/2015

Josh Schouten | 18-10-2015
Week 14 of 16 Olympic Lifting and Russian Squats COACHES COMMENT: The first rule for intelligent eating in the modern world – Part 1 I could talk all day about modern food, but lets be honest most of it has already been said. We know that it’s a smart idea to eat breakfast (countless studies show breakfast eaters are healthier,... [Read more]