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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 29/07/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 29-07-2013
  Warm-up & Skill A-1 Forward rolls rest :30 Details at GymnasticsWOD Details at GymnasticsWOD A-2 Superman rocks for :30sec :30 Details at GymnasticsWOD Details at GymnasticsWOD   Strength B-1 Clean Grip Deadlifts 5 x CFA: 4-6 30x0 rst:60 BC: 6-8 30x0 rst:60 B-2 ME: TTB (skill practice) 5 x ME x0x0 rst:60   Capacity: Every minute on the minute... [Read more]

29/07/2013 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - Repeat 750m, recover 3:1 until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike -Repeat 1M, recover 3:1 until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - Repeat 800m, recover 3:1 until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim - 1200m TT Day 5 : Bike - 8 x :20 sec on, :10sec off, if possible use stationary bike with wattage tool or similar that can hold... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 28/07/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 28-07-2013
 Warm-up DU Technique and Practice 5min Then: 5min MAX DU. Capacity Set the clock to 12minutes then: EMOM Perform 3 Thrusters w/ 2sec pause in bottom position* * Must clean bar from floor W.O.D 3 Rounds for time of: 10 Pull-ups 20 Press-ups 30 Box Jumps 24/20' 40 Air Squats 50 DU Rest 60sec between rounds

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 27/07/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 27-07-2013
Warm-up & Skill A-1 Hollow Rock (midline stability) 3 x 10reps A-2 Candle Stick Roll 3 x 10reps Details at GymnasticsWOD Strength B-1 Scapular retractions on rings 4 x 10-12 20x1 Rest:30 B-2 Strict Pull-ups 4 x CFA: 8-10 30x0 rst :60 BC: 10-12 30x0 rst:60 B-3 Single Arm KB Push-Press 4 x CFA: 8-10 20x0 rst :60 BC: 10-12... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 26/07/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 26-07-2013
Strength A-1 Heels Elevated Back Squat 4 x CFA: 6-8 30x0 rst:60 BC: 8-12 30x0 rst:60 A-2 High Reebok KB Lateral Step-up 4 x CFA: 8-12 21x0 rst:60 BC: 12-15 21x0 rst:60 Capacity Set the clock to 12min EMOM: B-1 HBBS 10 x 2reps @ 60/30kg B-2 BB OHP 10 x 3 @ 60/30kg rst: remainder of minute Capacity 2... [Read more]

Love a Double Under

Josh Schouten | 25-07-2013
Either you love’em or you hate’em…  we all know Geoff hates them! When Double Unders (DU) appear in a workout I always cross my fingers and hope that today is going to be a good day.  On a good day I can bash out 50+ unbroken DU without a sweat, and on a bad day I’m lucky to link 10... [Read more]

CrossFit Hackney vs Crossfit P360 Throwdown

Josh Schouten
VS       Welcome to our first ever summer throwdown. On August 31st the crew at CrossFit Hackney will be testing themselves in "The Sport of Fitness" against CrossFit P360. The focus here is not all about winners and losers (but if we win we will basic in the glory). It's about giving our all and belonging to a community... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 25/07/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Skill Practice A. 10 sets of: 1 high hang snatch, 1 squat snatch rst :60 *Increase weight as needed after each successful round. Capacity B - Barbell Complex Snatch grip deadlift 5 x 5 Snatch High Pulls 5 x 5 Power Snatch 5 x 5 Overhead Squat 5 x 5 W.O.D AMRAP 16minutes 4 rounds of: 3min AMRAP: 5 L-hand... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 24/07/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 24-07-2013
Skill Practice A-1 Tripod Straddle Up to Headstand.  3 x 1rep Hold headstand for 10-20sec rest :45 between reps Details at GymnasticsWOD Head position is important: Details at GymnasticsWOD   Strength A-1 Nutral Grip Ring Pull-ups 4 x CFA: 6-8 30x0 BC: 4-5 5000 (ecc) rst:60 A-2 Flat BB Bench Press 4 x CFA: 6-8 30x0 rst: 60 BC: 8-12... [Read more]