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Gymnastics competition scores – practice week

Jenna Fisher | 10-10-2018
After the nerves and excitement (and "admirable" number of questions from 6am) the creases were ironed out during last week's practice and we have a solid plan for the rest of the month's competition. 6am v 8am scores are detailed on the attached spreadsheet. See where the points are being scored and how you can strategise to turn the tables... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan 8/10/18- 14/10/18

Geoff Stewart | 05-10-2018
Welcome to Phase 5, week 6 of our 2018 training plan. Week 6. Same sort of theme as week 5, please. Strong and solid on your primary lifts. Be mindful of the volume and earn your rest.   "Leave your ego at the door." (more…)

Barbell Club – October 2018

Jenna Fisher | 30-09-2018
October brings the first of the final two months of this cycle. All your hard work of the last three months will start to come together with the chance to increase the weight and see what you can do. (more…)

Crossfit training program 1/10/18-7/10/18

Geoff Stewart | 28-09-2018
Welcome to Phase 5, week 5 of our 2018 training plan. Week 5. It's time to change it around a little. This week your primary lifts will remain the same but your rep ranges will be coming down... so (as you all know) your weight will be going up. We are still aiming to get a lot of work (volume)... [Read more]

Crossfit training program 24/9/18-30/9/18

Geoff Stewart | 21-09-2018
Welcome to Phase 5, week 4 of our 2018 training plan. Week 4. Another week under those ever tightening belts. Our basic lifts and numbers are the same as last week so keep it simple make sure your form is good and you're moving well. Remember the key to this phase is building an even bigger, better, more solid foundation.... [Read more]