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Heavy Metcon – 30th May

Jenna Fisher | 26-05-2018
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome, do come, and enjoy x (more…)

Crossfit training plan- 28/5/18 – 3/6/18

Geoff Stewart
Welcome to Phase 3, week 5 of our 2018 training plan. Week 5  is with us and its been a very busy couple of weeks. Got to give a big welcome to some new peeps reading our weekly CF program posting and great work to everyone.   We are not let up this week we are working in some new... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon – 23rd May

Jenna Fisher | 19-05-2018
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome, come and enjoy x (more…)

Crossfit training plan- 21/5/18 – 27/5/18

Geoff Stewart | 18-05-2018
Welcome to Phase 3, week 4 of our 2018 training plan. Week 4. This week copies last weeks basic lifts so you should now what your doing and what weights you should be lifting. There is a lot of stuff on the internet at present about "Functional Bodybuilding" we at Momentum training , Crossfit Hackney and Crossfit Old street like... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon – 16th May

Jenna Fisher | 13-05-2018
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome, come and enjoy x (more…)

Crossfit training plan- 14/5/18 – 20/5/18

Geoff Stewart | 11-05-2018
Welcome to Phase 3, week 3 of our 2018 training plan. Week 3. We are changing things up this week and moving the exercise selection around, so take a few moments to read the program before you pile in. You ll note there are some paused reps and some 1 1/4 reps so make sure you what these are and... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon – 9th May

Jenna Fisher | 07-05-2018
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome, come and enjoy x (more…)

Crossfit training plan- 7/5/18 – 13/5/18

Geoff Stewart | 04-05-2018
Welcome to Phase 3, week 2 of our 2018 training plan. Week 2. So how are you feeling after week 1? When we start a new program the first weeks always leaves even the most most experienced athlete with a few aches and pains. We are repeating our basic lifts, rep ranges and tempos this week so you should have... [Read more]