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Momentum comes to Old Street!

Geoff Stewart | 18-04-2018
Our new gym at Old Street (31A Corsham Street to be precise) is opening for a weekend of free classes on 19th and 20th May then opening the doors for regular business on Monday 21 May 2018. To book a free class on 19th or 20th May, visit our timetable page, select Old Street, then navigate to the day you... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan- 16/4/18 – 22/4/18

Geoff Stewart | 13-04-2018
Welcome to Phase 2, week 7 of our 2018 training plan. Its almost done people we are into week 7 of our 8 week training phase this is our last building building and making payments into the bank of fitness before we test and make some withdrawls. Be brave, be focused and enjoy. Smash it. (more…)

Crossfit training plan- 9/4/18 – 15/4/18

Geoff Stewart | 06-04-2018
Welcome to Phase 2, week 6 of our 2018 training plan. Week 6. Well done people a great week under the belts even with the long bank holiday to mess about with your training schedule.   This week some of our reps are coming down and as you know as our reps come down our weight on the bar goes up,... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon – 4th April

Jenna Fisher
5 min warm up - less chat more action   Part A  (20 min) 1 power clean + 1 hang clean + 1 hang cluster + 2 thruster   Complete this EMOM x5 (light i.e. 45kg female) then E90s x4 (a bit heavier i.e. 50kg female) then E2M x3 (heavier still i.e 55-60kg female)   -----Rest 5 mins---- (more…)

Barbell Club – April 2018

Jenna Fisher
April is the last month of this 3-month cycle. It will round up the muscle endurance and hypertrophy that you have been building. The heavier loads will also prepare you for what is to come. (more…)

Crossfit training plan- 2/4/18 – 8/4/18

Geoff Stewart | 30-03-2018
Welcome to Phase 2, week 5 of our 2018 training plan. Week 5.  The sun has finally come out and its time for an easter break. Have a few days rest. For a lot of you peeps this isn't going to effect your overall gains. We program hard workouts and due to the nature of the gym classes, Crossfit demands and... [Read more]