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Heavy Metcon 17/5/2017

Geoff Stewart | 16-05-2017
The heavy 50 Working with a partner in a YGIG format 50x Bench press @ body weight 50x Squats @ body weight 50x deadlifts @ 1.5X body weight 50x Dips @ BW 50x Power cleans @ 80%BW 50x Strict pull ups @ BW If you get to the bottom of the list 50Kcals Rowing and bike.

Whole Life Challenge – May 20th 2017 (Part II)

Josh Schouten
Setting good habits whether it be the new year or any point throughout the year is always going to bring about beneficial change. If you have read Part I of the Whole Life Challenge  (WLC) and are looking at taking on a challenge to improve daily habits not just in the gym but in your day to day life taking... [Read more]

Mental Health Week: Are you surviving or thriving?

Josh Schouten
Are we surviving or thriving? That is the question being asked of us during Mental Health Awareness week. The Office of National Statistics estimate that 1 in 5 people in the UK has a low level of life satisfaction and almost 1 in 4 have high anxiety on a daily basis. Too few of us are thriving with good mental... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 10/5/2017

Geoff Stewart | 09-05-2017
Ok, get ready get warm Part 1-2-3 Part 1 Working with a partner max rounds in 10min  20x KB swings 10x press ups 20x squats 10x ring rows Part 2 Working with a partner max rounds in 20mi  3x Deadlifts - heavy 6x Dips 3x back squats - heavy 6x Pull ups Part 3 Working with a team 4 max... [Read more]

CF training program, Phase 2, week 7, 8/5/17 – 14/5/17

Geoff Stewart | 05-05-2017
Welcome to week 7 of our second 12 week program of 2017. This week... Barbara is coming looking for you in week 7. As well as a good helping of foundation lifting and volume there is a tasty smorgasbord of workouts to keep even the most demanding happy. When we sit down at Momentum's magic cauldron it's more often than not the simple looking... [Read more]

CrossFit Gymnastics – Phase 1

Jenna Fisher | 02-05-2017
CrossFit gymnastics will now provide three options that can be individualised to suit your personal goals and level of experience. This format hopes to encourage you to monitor your performance and take ownership for making improvements each week. Your coach will provide guidance and support to help you find what works for you.  The programme detail is provided in this... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 3/5/2017

Geoff Stewart
Working on your own but don't be sad. Part 1A 10min - EMOM BB complex- 1 bar 1 weight 5x Deadlifts 3x power cleans 1x push press Part 1B 10min 40/20 work / rest Bike / Rower Part 2A 10min - EMOM Cindy 5x Pull ups 10x press ups 15x Air squats Part 2B 10min 40/20 work / rest Bike /... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 5 – Return of the Golden Era

Jenna Fisher | 30-04-2017
Following the success last year, Barbell Club will return to a mesocycle of 70s inspired bodybuilding. Known as the Golden era, the 70s produced the physiques of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno, Boyer Coe, Bill Grant and Mike Mentzer, to name a few. The key to creating muscle shape was high volume, minimum rest and mixed muscle... [Read more]