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Crossfit Hackney program: phase 2 week 1, 27/3/17 – 2/4/17

Geoff Stewart | 24-03-2017
Welcome to week 1 our second 12 week program of 2017, entitled "functional bodybuilding" or Barbara. This 12 week training block is going to split your week into lower body push, upper body pull, olympic clean day,  lower body pull,  upper body push and olympic snatch days. These days will switch around so you all get a good balance of training days... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 22/3/2017

Geoff Stewart | 21-03-2017
Mobility Warm up - 10min working on your own. KB squats x10 Press us x10 KB swings x10 Ring rows x10   Working in teams 3 EMOM x4 each partner (12min) 5 reps -Back squats @80%BW ME Rowing   EMOM x4 each partner (12min) 5 reps -  Deadlifts @ 150%BW ME Bike   EMOM x4 each partner (12min) 5 reps... [Read more]

The Fastest Way to Get Better At CrossFit – PART 2

Josh Schouten | 16-03-2017
If you are going to play at CrossFit, you better be willing to learn to move efficiently. In part 1 of the fastest way to get better at CrossFit, we discussed the importance of movement quality and how it dictates performance. This week this we continue to talk about performance and take a look at another significant element, strength. “My goal is not to... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 15/3/2017

Geoff Stewart | 14-03-2017
Warm up and get ready... Light DT and max distance rowing. Working with a partner alt complex with turn on rower for max distance. 10 Rounds each 50/35 12x deadlifts 7x high hang power cleans 5x push press Heavy DT meets Cindy With your partner alt movements, after each full round do a round of Cindy. 10 rounds each- your choice (90/70) 5x... [Read more]

Say goodbye to Peter and hello to Barbara

Geoff Stewart | 08-03-2017
  Time really does seem to be moving along and we are planning our - your - second 12 week training phase of 2017, which will start at the end of March. Here’s a reminder of some of the principles of our usual program design and some basic info I bang on about every time a new program rolls round.... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 8/3/2017

Geoff Stewart | 07-03-2017
Heavy Breathing... KB swings x10 KB Clean x10 KB Squats x10 KB push press x10   Working in 3 in a follow the leader format for 10 mins at each station. Sled pushing x30sec Deadlifts x5 Rowing x30sec DB manmakers x5 Bike x30sec Back squats x5   And to finish own your own 10mins steady work KB swings x10 KB... [Read more]