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Heavy Metcon 1/2/2017

Geoff Stewart | 31-01-2017
Do your mobility then lets get involved: To start: On your own 5mins 10x KB swings 10x press ups 10x KB squats 10x ring rows   In the middle: Working in teams 4 30/30 work / rest for 36mins Back squats @ 80% Power cleans @ 70% KB STOH @ 50% Bike @ RPM >   To end: On your... [Read more]

The Fastest Way to Get Better At CrossFit

Josh Schouten
It's a new year, and many of us kicked-off the year with new goals and new motivations. Is this the year when your focus on building strength, improve your conditioning, or simply become a better version of last years model?  Speaking with some members in the gym, some have set the goal to be better at CrossFit with the idea of... [Read more]

The Crossfit Open 2017

Geoff Stewart | 26-01-2017
We are coming to that time in the year again when we all start spouting off about the Open.  What is the Open I hear some of you cry, is it a golf tournament or is it Scotty's mouth again? NO, it's the CrossFit 2017 Open. Here is a brief breakdown for you boys and girls who aren’t fully down with... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 25/1/2017

Geoff Stewart | 24-01-2017
    Warm up   Working with a partner in a YGIG format 40mins 3 power cleans @80% 12 KBS -Heavy 3 Push press / Jerk  (same as PC) 12 Goblet squats - Heavy Every 5min where ever you are do a burpee pull ME then return to where you left

Heavy Metcon 18/1/2017

Geoff Stewart | 17-01-2017
Warm up because you know its good for you.   Working with a partner 6min YGIG 3x Deadlifts @1.5bw 6x RkB swings 3mins Bike alt 30sec 6min YGIG 3x Bench press @80% bw 6x press ups 3mins Battle ropes alt 30sec 6min YGIG 3x Power cleans @80% bw 6x ball slams 3mins rowing alt 30sec 6min YGIG 3x Back squats @bw 6x... [Read more]