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Heavy Metcon 10/8/16

Geoff Stewart | 09-08-2016
Massive shout out to our Jenna for rocking the fort over the last few weeks. Rumor on the streets is that she smashed you guys and the boys had to get comfortable with short shorts. Big thanks Jenna lots of shoes to fill. x Warm up - 8 mins KB squats 10 Press ups walk outs 5 KB swings 10... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 8/08/16 – 14/08/16 WEEK 14

Josh Schouten | 07-08-2016
This week sees week 1 of the Olympic games commence. The achievements of all of these athletes are commendable, to say the least. Whatever you strive for in life you need to work for it. Something that we focus on at Momentum Training. While we focus on community and having fun remember we are also here to work hard in... [Read more]

Beginners Weightlifting Course: Sep-Oct 2016

Josh Schouten | 01-08-2016
Guess who's back, back againCalums back, tell a friendGuess who's back, guess who's back?Guess who's back? Are you new to Olympic lifting, or are you still trying to master the skills need to perform the snatch, the clean & jerk?   It’s your lucky day!  Here is your chance to gain both the knowledge and the skills, under the watchful eye... [Read more]

Weapons August 2016

Josh Schouten
Weapons August 2016 PDF Well it's little later in the month than usual but the training is just as painful as it is every month for the Weapons guys. We see lots of Olly lifting through this phase, to aim for new 1RM's at the end of the month. We will be tackling our times from last months .com wods... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 1/8/16 – 7/08/16 WEEK 13

Geoff Stewart
Starting this week with a few words of wisdom posted up by  barbell shrug via  our Jenna. "'You can go from couch potato to ripped up in 6-weeks'. None of that shit is true. It's really just what people want to hear. Good marketing, sure. People don't want to hear the truth.The truth is you're going to work your ass... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 27/07/2016

Jenna Fisher | 26-07-2016
Jenna standing in for Geoff again. Just tested this. You can give yourself a fairly miserable time with it :) 3 rounds 60 secs clean and jerk (0.85x bodyweight) 60 secs front rack hold (as above) - can drop to top of deadlift hold after 30 secs 60 secs row 60 secs rest 4 mins rest 3 rounds 60 secs... [Read more]

BEAUTY REDEFINED. Challenging our perceptions of body image.

mtadmin | 25-07-2016
The saying that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ suggests subjectivity, yet there is a constant strive for ‘perfection’ when it comes to our bodies.  Society has always portrayed an ideal aesthetic among females and today more than ever we are drenched by this image through magazines, advertisements, TV, billboards, fashion shows etc.  What it is to be... [Read more]