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Whole Life Challenge – Part II Measurements & Testing

Josh Schouten | 06-01-2016
Setting good habits whether it be the new year or any point throughout it's always going to bring about beneficial change. If you have read Part I of the Whole Life Challenge  (WLC) and are looking at taking on a challenge to improve daily habits not just in the gym but in your day to day life then taking a... [Read more]

CrossFit Engineering Jan – March 2016

Josh Schouten | 05-01-2016
CrossFit Engineering   Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4 Monday Skill POSE Rowing POSE Rowing Strength A-1 FFE Split Squat 3 x 12 3110 on 90sec A-2 Hollow Dish / V-ups 3 x 30-45sec --- on 90sec B: Kb / BB RDL 3 x 15-20 3010 on 90sec A-1 FFE Split Squat 3 x 12 3110 on 90sec A-2... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon

Geoff Stewart
6/1/15 Warm up - stretch it out please Warm up KB swing 10 Walking lunges 20 Press ups 5 Pull ups 5 X5 (more…)

Weapons 5/1/16 – 7/1/16

Geoff Stewart | 04-01-2016
Tuesday 5/1/2016 warm up Spend 10mins with a foam roller warm up for snatches 10mins A. Snatch Pulls. B. Muscle Snatch. C. Power Snatch. D. Deep Power Snatch. E. Snatch with a three second pause in the bottom position (more…)

CFH Training Plan 03/01/2016 – 09/01/2016

Josh Schouten | 03-01-2016
Week 9 of 10 Energy System Training COACHES COMMENT: NO 2016 GOALS = NO 2016 RESULTS This year I’m going to …  WHAT, WHEN, WHY and HOW? Hopefully you have heard and read about S.M.A.R.T goal setting, although many of us fail to follow the principle correctly.  If you're serious about making changes in your lifestyle for the better in 2016... [Read more]

New Year membership offers

Geoff Stewart | 01-01-2016
Everyone loves a bargain going into the new year and everyone needs/knows someone who needs to kick start their training plan so in the months of January and February 2016, Momentum Training will be running two membership offers: Refer a friend* for a 25% discount on one month's membership. If you refer a friend during January or February 2016 we’ll give you both... [Read more]

Considering signing up to a CrossFit gym?

Josh Schouten
You’re considering signing up to a CrossFit gym and you’re a little nervous… Join the club!  Many of you may have heard or seen the amazing results that CrossFit can deliver.  Many of you have the desire to start a journey to improve your health and fitness, however this desire can be overshadowed by the fear of stepping into what... [Read more]

CrossFit Muscular Endurance & Movement Efficiency

Josh Schouten | 30-12-2015
What is one of the best ways to get good at CrossFit?  What’s the best bang for your buck training?  What’s the best way to “tone-up,” improve body composition, and become a machine in the gym?  We hear these questions at Momentum Training all the time, and the answer is not always what you might expect.  Many people believe the... [Read more]