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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 24/03/2014 – 30/03/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 23-03-2014
Monday 24/03/2014 Warm-up 3 Rounds of: 20 Prisoner Jumps (hands on head, jump on the balls of your feet) 15 Wall Balls* 10 Squat Jumps* rest :60sec * Focus on keeping knees out and dropping into the bottom of the squat quickly to use the stretch shortening cycle to bounce out. Strength CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie A.... [Read more]

Barbell Club weeks 22-25

Josh Schouten | 21-03-2014
It's time... For a change that is. Next Phase Barbell Club is out! As we have split it the sessions to upper and lower for this one the sessions will run as below: Barbell Club weeks 22-25 We will run the program as Monday night, Tuesday am will ALWAYS be Upper and Friday will ALWAYS be Lower. This program will run... [Read more]

17/3/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 16-03-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 50m, recover :60s until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 800m, recover :60s until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 200m, recover :60s until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: Repeat 3:00 on, :60s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 5 : Bike -: 15M TT Day 6: Run  -: Repeat 3:00 on, :60s off until form/pace deteriorates  ... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 17/03/2014 – 23/03/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Monday 17/03/2014 Warm-up 400m run "invisible fran" Strength CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie A. Push-Jerks 5 x 1-3reps 20x0 on the 2mins B. Neutral Grip Pull-ups (weighted) 5x3-4reps on the :90sec A. DE 2reps EMOM @ 60% of best weight lifter on 03/03/2014 B. ME 3reps A. 5 x 6reps B. [Scale: NG ring rows 5 x12reps] Capacity... [Read more]

Hackney Hustle 3.0

Josh Schouten | 10-03-2014
Friday nights have now officially changed.  No more pub, kebab and a bit of a razzle on the way home.  CrossFit Hackney are running the third Hackney Hustle on Friday 9th May. Simple, friendly and fun, CrossFit Hackney are hosting the 3rd one-in-all-in competitions, on Friday 9th May 2014. All you need to know: Any CrossFitter from anywhere is welcome... [Read more]

10/3/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 09-03-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat 125m, recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat 1k, recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat 800m, recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: 1000m @ 85% 800m TT pace Day 5 : Bike -: Repeat :30s on, :30s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 6: Run  -: 5M @ 85% 5k TT... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 10/03/2014 – 16/03/2014 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Monday 10/03/2014 Warm-up Jumping Pull-up Tekkers and Safety 3 Rounds of: 5 Box Jump 10 Wall Balls Rest :30sec Strength CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit Endurance CrossFit Rookie A-1 Conventional Deadlift 6x 4,3,3,3,2,2 30x0 A-1  6 x 5,5,4,4,3,3 A-1 ME 3RM A-1 5x7 A-2 Couch Stretch / Hip Flexor Stretch (hold each side for :60sec) x3sets Capacity CrossFit Athlete CrossFit CrossFit... [Read more]

The London Box Battles: Round 1 2014

Josh Schouten | 07-03-2014
Proudly Supported by inov-8 The London Box Battles are about to commence with 14 London based CrossFit boxes successfully registered for the 2014 season. The London Box Battles has been designed as a friendly grassroots fitness league allowing athletes of all fitness levels to compete. In 2014 we are planning to hold 4 separate battles hosted by the local London... [Read more]

3/3/2014 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 02-03-2014
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - : Repeat :90s on, :90s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 2: Bike - : Repeat :90s on, :90s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 3: Run - : Repeat :90s on, :90s off until form/pace deteriorates Day 4: Swim -: 1600m @ 80% 1400m TT pace Day 5 : Bike -: 35M @ 85% 30M TT pace Day 6: Run  -: Repeat 1k, recover 1:1... [Read more]