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#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 04/08/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 04-08-2013
Strength: A. Sumo Deadlift (work up to 3RM with good form) CFA: 7x3 30x1 rst:90 BC: 5x5 30x1 rst:90 B-1 BB High Box Lateral Step-ups (scale low reebok step) 4 x CFA: 6-8 21x1 rst:60 BC: 8-10 21x1 rst:60 B-2 GHR (scale: nordic raises) 4 x 12-15 31x0 rst :60 W.O.D: Diane 21-15-9 Deadlift 100/70kg HSPU

FREE Injury Assessment

Josh Schouten | 03-08-2013
Got any niggles? If so you should take advantage of our "FREE to Crossfit Hackney members" injury assessment session on Saturday 10th August between 11am-1pm. Our in-house Physio, Emerson, has kindly offered to assess any of your injuries, aches and pains.  Since launching Momentum Training all of our members have experienced the aches and pains of serious strength training.   CrossFit is... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 03/08/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Strength A. Squat Clean CFA: 7x3 XXXX rst:90 BC: 5x5 XXXX rst:90 B. Clean pulls 5 x 3 XXXX rst:75 W.O.M. Set the clock to 18minutes.  Rolling Clock: Change exercise every min rest on the 6th minute, repeat 3 times Wall Ball 7/5 10/6'(still need some 9's) Sumo Deadlift High Pull 35/25kg Box Jump 20/18" Push Press 35/25kg Row cal... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 02/08/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 02-08-2013
Warm Up A-1 Planche Progression 1 (learning to load the shoulders) 3 x 10reps Details at GymnasticsWOD A-2 V-Ups 3 x 10reps Details at GymnasticsWOD Strength B-1 Medium grip Pull-up (weighted) 6 x (wk1: 2 reps, wk2: 3 reps, wk3: 4 reps) 10,0,0,0 Rst :60 B-2 Shoulder Retractions on rings (elevate feet if strong enough) 4 x 8 to 10... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 01/08/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 01-08-2013
Strength A. HBBS (work up to 3RM with good form) CFA: 7x3 40x0 rst:90 BC: 5x5 40x0 rst:90 B-1 BB RDL 4 x 8-10 30x0 rst:60 B-2 RFE Split Squat (KB goblet position) 4 x 8-10 31x0 rst:60 Capacity (set the clock to 15 minutes): :45sec of work :30 rest (3 rounds of): KB Swings 24/16kg GHD Weighted Hip Ext:... [Read more]

CrossFit: How much weight should I lift? (Part 1)

Josh Schouten | 30-07-2013
I get asked all the time “how much weight should I lift?” “Should I be using the prescribed (Rx) weight for this WOD, or should I scale it?”  Ultimately it depends on your individual goals and the training phase. Its worthwhile knowing that strength training imposes a physical stress on your body, and when managed correctly you will see positive... [Read more]

#CrossFit #Hackney #WOD 30/07/2013 #withmomentum

Josh Schouten
Warm-up: A-1 KB Swings 3 x 15reps A-2 KB Single Arm Swings 3 x 10ea arm Skills: KB Turkish Get-Ups KB Clean KB Snatch Capacity 1: Set the clock to 15minutes (10rounds).  AMRAP :60sec and rest :30sec - 2 R-Hand KB Snatches - 2 R-Hand KB Cleans - 2 R-Hand Front Rack Squats - 2 L-Hand KB Snatches - 2... [Read more]

Paleo Post WOD Nutrition #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 29-07-2013
You just gave your Workout Of the Day (W.O.D) everything you’ve got.  Shifting large loads through a full range of motion has left you lying on the floor in a puddle of your own sweat. Well we hope it’s your own!  You SMASHED IT, and now your body is ready for some quality post-W.O.D nutrition.  So what do you eat... [Read more]