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New Class! StrongCon

Jenna Fisher | 15-10-2019
StrongCon is a new class that will be starting on Monday 4th November. The class will be half strength and half conditioning. Think barbell club meets metcon. The weightlifting element will be a scale-up from regular metcon by replacing dumbbells with barbells for the main lifts*. This will give you the opportunity to add some weight to your squat, deadlift,... [Read more]

Crossfit program 14th – 20th October 2019

Geoff Stewart | 13-10-2019
Week 7 of 12 . Week 7, the training pattern is the same as last week, we would like you to look for where you struggled last week and crush those areas this week. There is a good selection of stuff to do, get it done and have fun. Good luck be brave check your shoe laces. Monday - Cleans... [Read more]

*CrossFit Open Announcement*

Josh Schouten | 09-10-2019
This Sunday the 13th we will be the first of five CrossFit Open workouts. We will be doing the workout during the CrossFit sessions on Sunday! We will be judging and recording scores for those taking part int he registered open. If not, it will still be good to get a score that you call recall in the future. Claudia... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 7/10/2019 -13/10/2019

Geoff Stewart | 06-10-2019
Week 6 of 12 . Week 6, your training pattern is set so you'll be looking to push up the numbers on the bar and / or the reps. Were we have indicated ME we mean MAX EFFORT, this is always done with good solid form, we don't practice bad form or failed lifts.  Good luck be brave check your... [Read more]

Gymnastics – October 2019

Jenna Fisher | 02-10-2019
October brings your chance to try the CrossFit Games "Split Triplet". You can watch the pros perform it here: Click on (more) for the results of the September workouts and the full October programme.   (more…)

October Mobility

Anthony Masters
As winter kicks in and Momentum turns into Winterfell there are going to be a few changes which is always good. I am going to put more movement into some of the classes, this is a progression putting together a lot that has been learnt in previous months but applying it through movements you will find in other classes, think... [Read more]

Olympic Weightlifting – October 2019

Josh Schouten
Week 1 Day 2 - Thursday  A: Multi Height Clean Pull (Floor, Knee, Hip):  5x1+1+1 - Keep it light - build to 60% B: No Contact Power Clean: 5x5 - Light load build to 60% Bar has no contact with thighs, to emphasis that last pull to enable us to get under the bar C: High Hang Power Clean +... [Read more]

Barbell Club – October 2019

Jenna Fisher | 29-09-2019
October is month four of this five-month programme and is the last month that you will be focussing on a particular muscle group per month. Saving the best until last, October will beef up the butt. (more…)

Crossfit Program 30/9/2019 -6/10/2019

Geoff Stewart
Week 5 of 12 . Week 5, We are moving into our second block of this 12 wee phase. This week we will return back to our pattern of training with some adjustments to reps, sets, density and rest period. These are there to make sure you body is kept guessing and able to move forward and make positive adaptions.... [Read more]