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Weightlifting – November 2019

Josh Schouten | 27-10-2019
This month we are working on higher percentages, building towards maxing out in December. A few drills to focus on faster turnovers and being more solid in the catch position! Week 1 Monday A: Backsquat - 1x10@25%, 1x5@50%, 1x3@60%, 5x3@70% B: Power Snatch - 1x5@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85% C: Snatch - 1x3@50%, 1x2@60%, 1x2@70%, 1x1@80%, 1x1@85,1x1@90%, 4x3@85% D: Pendlay... [Read more]

Competition Carnival – November 2019

Jenna Fisher | 22-10-2019
Note - this competition has been postponed due to low numbers. New date TBC in the new year. A Christmas social event will be posted soon instead x   It's competition time again! Saturday 16th November will host our winter carnival. As before, we will sweat together from 12.30pm and then celebrate the holiday season with cold beers and warm... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 21st-27th October 2019

Geoff Stewart | 20-10-2019
Week 8 of 12 . Week 8, this is our abstract week were we mess about with the plan and go of pietse Good luck be brave check your shoe laces. Monday - Cleans, pull ups and  a "sinking boat" Tuesday - Bench press  and "all the ups" Wednesday -"searching" Thursday -Unicorn ninja magic stuff Friday - Deadlift, pressing and... [Read more]

New Class! StrongCon

Jenna Fisher | 15-10-2019
StrongCon is a new class that will be starting on Monday 4th November. The class will be half strength and half conditioning. Think barbell club meets metcon. The weightlifting element will be a scale-up from regular metcon by replacing dumbbells with barbells for the main lifts*. This will give you the opportunity to add some weight to your squat, deadlift,... [Read more]

Crossfit program 14th – 20th October 2019

Geoff Stewart | 13-10-2019
Week 7 of 12 . Week 7, the training pattern is the same as last week, we would like you to look for where you struggled last week and crush those areas this week. There is a good selection of stuff to do, get it done and have fun. Good luck be brave check your shoe laces. Monday - Cleans... [Read more]

*CrossFit Open Announcement*

Josh Schouten | 09-10-2019
This Sunday the 13th we will be the first of five CrossFit Open workouts. We will be doing the workout during the CrossFit sessions on Sunday! We will be judging and recording scores for those taking part int he registered open. If not, it will still be good to get a score that you call recall in the future. Claudia... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 7/10/2019 -13/10/2019

Geoff Stewart | 06-10-2019
Week 6 of 12 . Week 6, your training pattern is set so you'll be looking to push up the numbers on the bar and / or the reps. Were we have indicated ME we mean MAX EFFORT, this is always done with good solid form, we don't practice bad form or failed lifts.  Good luck be brave check your... [Read more]