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Heavy Metcon 7/7/2019

Geoff Stewart
HMC This is an advanced class you need to competent with your basic lifts and able to work with out much coaching. We can scale all workout so if you feel brave and want to try it out please check in with the coach. Good Luck. (more…)

Crossfit training program 5/8/2019 -11/8/209

Geoff Stewart
Week 1 of our August training program. This week and with this short block we are aiming for a rounded approach to training were we are going to cover all bases from structural balance, basic lifting, olympic lifting skill, heavy breathing and of course fun.   Monday: Clean and jerk skills and some heavy breathing Tuesday: Structural balance and some wall... [Read more]

August 2019 Crossfit training program

Geoff Stewart | 03-08-2019
So, it’s a bit of a change around for August’s training plan which kicks of on Moday 5thand takes you all the way through to Sunday 1st. So why is a bit of a change? Its the month where a lot of you peeps are of flashing your booties and you hard earned gains on the beech’s of the Mediterranean... [Read more]

Barbell Club – August 2019

Jenna Fisher | 31-07-2019
August is the second month of this five-month cycle. Three days per week of bench press now moves to three days of squats, for your 'A' exercise focus (sumo deadlifts on the fourth day). Reps remain low so that you can increase the weight and build strength. That said, take note that on the third day the focus should be... [Read more]

CrossFit Carnival, Metcon Madness, Burgers and Beer

Jenna Fisher | 30-07-2019
Competition for all levels of CrossFit and Metcon*. Saturday 10th August, 12.30pm start. Burgers and Beer after. Guest appearance by B-dawg.   The focus here is fun so there is no need to be scared. Do come :-)   (*the metcon level is for all our members who do not do CrossFit).   What you need to do to enter... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 31st September 2019

Geoff Stewart
HMC This is an advanced class you need to competent with your basic lifts and able to work with out much coaching. We can scale all workout so if you feel brave and want to try it out please check in with the coach. Good Luck.   You are going to have to have a bit of a think before... [Read more]

Olympic Lifting – August

Josh Schouten | 29-07-2019
This month we are still focused on volume in our squat programme, next month this will go down, which I’m sure will be somewhat of a “light” relief! Last month, everyone has started to become far more consistent in their lifts and hitting their percentages. The goal this month is to really work on our turnover in the Snatch, finishing... [Read more]