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Heavy Metcon 13/2/2019

Geoff Stewart | 12-03-2019
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome! (more…)

MOMENTUM TRAINING – 2019 Members Survey – Have your say!

Josh Schouten
It’s that exciting time of year again where we put out the Momentum Training annual survey (we say annual but we haven't done one for a couple of years now, but we like to think of it annually).   It’s the opportunity for you, our wonderful members to show your love for your coaches, express your love for programming, praise the amazing showers,... [Read more]

Crossfit Program – 11/3/2019 to 17/03/19

Josh Schouten | 10-03-2019
  Hopefully, we have all had the chance to fill out the 2019 Members Survey by now. If not, there is still time. Head on over and fill it out. Hopefully, we liked getting back into the swing of some of the big lifts. Now we all know about those pauses to get you working. Over the next month spend... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 6/3/2109

Geoff Stewart | 05-03-2019
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome! (more…)

Gymnastics – March 2019

Jenna Fisher
Some great times were achieved in the Elizabeth-Diane hybrid last month. Over the weeks the handstand push up technique improved greatly for some and others gained knowledge on how to break up the 21, 15, 9 reps to avoid burnout. This month we progress the bar muscle up drill to include the transition. This will be performed on a low... [Read more]


Geoff Stewart | 03-03-2019
  This class is for everyone! Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced! Everyone is welcome. Right, let's get to business. Having had a month of working at higher percentages, I am stripping it back slightly for the month of March. A few less complexes, as I want to focus on the lifts alone. Naturally, if you know me, I can’t completely eliminate... [Read more]

Crossfit Program – 4/3/2019 to 10/03/19

Josh Schouten
  A new month begins as does a new phase of training. We'll see some of the structural movements disappear as we start to move into some of the more compound movements. If you've found some of these movements helped you please head on over to "Open Gym" and keep these going. The shift this month will take us towards... [Read more]

CrossFit Open 19.2

Josh Schouten | 01-03-2019
As we love a bit of organisation here is how our Sunday CrossFit Open 19.2 sessions will be run. Please do read carefully so we know what we are looking for from the get go! If you are looking to add your own bits and pieces in there please arrive early to get these done. (more…)

Heavy Metcon 27/2/2019

Geoff Stewart | 26-02-2019
This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome! (more…)