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Momentum Annual Vacation

Josh Schouten | 11-04-2017
Are you up for some sun, relaxation and activities all rolled into one? Momentum's annual holiday is coming up in September, where the main focus is relaxing while staying active. We focus on the community and creating new friendships or making strong ones stronger. This year we have pre-booked  Adventures in the French Pyrenees. We will not be short of activities while... [Read more]

Beginners Weightlifting Course: May – June 2017

Josh Schouten | 10-04-2017
Are you new to Olympic lifting, or are you still trying to master the skills need to perform the snatch, the clean & jerk? It’s your lucky day! Here's your chance to gain both the knowledge and the skills, under the watchful eye of Calum McNamara , required to effectively perform the Olympic lifts. Calum is a professional weightlifter who... [Read more]


Josh Schouten | 04-04-2017
Back in my twenties, I took part in marathons and triathlons, thinking, like lots of others I know, that it was good for me. But slowly the injuries came, the adrenal fatigue set in, the digestive issues impacted my health, and I began to question the kind of impact my training was having on my body and my hormones. As... [Read more]

CF training program, Phase 2, week 2, 3/4/17 – 9/4/17

Geoff Stewart | 31-03-2017
Welcome to week 2 of our second 12 week program of 2017. Hopefully Barbara has been a kind mistress and not left you with many aches and pains? This week... This week we are hanging in with some testing to set some benchmark stats which you can then work on and re-test against as we move our way through this phase. On your lower... [Read more]

Gymnastics: Bent Arm Strength (muscle up prep) & Handstands Phase 5

Josh Schouten | 29-03-2017
Who wants a muscle-up?  The muscle-up is a great exercise to build upper body pulling and pushing strength, they are a compound exercise that trains a huge number of muscles, and they look dope!   They also require a significant amount of pulling strength, push strength, shoulder mobility, and shoulder stability.  Those who value their shoulders will take the time... [Read more]

Heavy Met con 29/3/2017

Geoff Stewart | 28-03-2017
Mobilise and Warm up Squats 10 Press ups 5 Alt lunges 10 Ring rows 5 x 5 rounds   Tidal Wave 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Bench Press @BW Strict Pull-ups In between set of BP and PU Work through list in any order you fancy: 1. 60 kcal row 2. 3min on bike for distance 3. 30 Burpee box jump 4. 60 goblet... [Read more]

Barbell Club 2017 – Phase 4

Jenna Fisher | 26-03-2017
It has been great to hear the results you achieved during the last phase. Since it has been fairly heavy high volume the exposure will change for this phase before returning to old school bodybuilding next month. The start of each session will be low volume strength sets. This will provide a new stimulus by loading you with a heavier... [Read more]