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Crossfit training program 28/11/2016 – 4/12/2016

Geoff Stewart | 27-11-2016
Into Week 5 of 6, this is our final intensification week before we get into our testing or realization week so it's time to really dial in that form and take even more notice of those numbers (a bit more on this later). This week is similar to last week in its goals and focus - remember per last weeks... [Read more]

How to read the Training Plan?

Josh Schouten | 24-11-2016
This will be an ongoing post that will be updated over time.  I hope this helps those who are new to training to understand the programming language. Enjoy! When you first walk into a CrossFit gym, or when you start training with a quality strength and conditioning coach, you will be introduced to the wonderful world of the exercise programming... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 23/11/2106

Geoff Stewart | 22-11-2016
            Warm up and get mobilise Warm up for BB complex with a partner the complex should be with 1 bar at a weight you can manage with a steady flow and tempo. 3x Deadlifts 3x Power cleans 3x Front squats 3x push press   Workout. In a 5 min time frame in a YGIG format... [Read more]

Crossfit training program

Geoff Stewart | 20-11-2016
Week 4 of this 6 week program is upon us. The intensity is going up (more weight on the bar): there will be a little bit more rest than you're used to but that isn’t a bad thing, as we increase the intensity our nervous/energy systems need a bit longer to recover so make the most of this time guys. I... [Read more]

Gymnastics: Handstand Phase 2: Kick-Ups, Alignment, & Wrist Strength

Josh Schouten | 18-11-2016
The handstand is often cited in gymnastics as one of the most, if not the most important, skill to master for beginners and for higher-level gymnastics.  The handstand is performed on 5/6 apparatus used in both male and female artistic gymnastics, with the only exception being the vault. In the early stages of developing the handstand the focus is directed... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 16/11/2106

Geoff Stewart | 15-11-2016
Do some Mobility then grab a KB please. Single arm swing x5 Single arm clean x5 Single arm squats x5 Single arm press x5   Then with a partner Working through the following in any order with max 5 reps each 100 Bench press @75@bw 100 Deadlifts @1.25bw 100 Power cleans @75@bw 100 kcals bike 100 kcals rower 100 Ring rows (horizontal)... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 14/11/2016 – 20/11/2016

Geoff Stewart | 13-11-2016
Week 3. This is our last adaption week before we dial it up again. Another good week under those ever tightened belts - again let's keep this focus. Our adaption phase is about getting a good amount of volume into our muscles, tendons, ligaments, building and improving skills. It'[s about nailing those positions over and over, grinding those patterns, accustoming... [Read more]

InBody Scanning for Body Composition

Josh Schouten | 11-11-2016
What can be measured can be improved Recently, I was told by Andre Benoit that “strength is the mother of all qualities". This certainly rings true in the world of body composition training. Train for strength and shape will follow. Some bodybuilding gurus still preach that if you train for shape, strength will follow; as this false gospel spreads, so do distended... [Read more]

Christmas Weapons!

Josh Schouten
Tis the Season to get Strong and Aerobic. Well we've had an amazing year in weapons, the programming has seen you lot improve hugely with gymnastics and seeing wods get heavier and you lot handling them like pros. So what does this last block of 2016 contain, huge aerobic capacity workouts and some big strength gains will be in here... [Read more]