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Heavy Metcon 15/6/16 – Cindy

Geoff Stewart | 14-06-2016
    Warm and get mobile: With a BB increasing weight as you go 10mins Deadlifts Clean pull Squat clean thruster   Workout part A" Working with a partner YGIG format alt reps and rounds work up the ladder from 1 to ? in a 30 min window Heavy Squat clean to thruster (75/50) 1>2>3 etc Cindy 1 round 1>2>3... [Read more]
Barbell club

CFH TRAINING PLAN 13/6/16 -19/6/16 WEEK 7

Josh Schouten | 12-06-2016
Week 7, we've nearly completed this current phase of Strength focused training. Those of you who've been attending week in and out should see and feel an adaption to the strength we have thrown at you. Like always adapting to a stimulus see the need to seek a new form of stress. Read on for some more tips on understanding... [Read more]

Gymnastics Phase 3: BAS

Josh Schouten | 05-06-2016
Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the current Bent-Arm-Strength (BAS) Gymnastic phase has been focused on building bodyweight pushing and pulling strength for all levels.  Those that have been consistent with the program have seen some steady progress over the last 10weeks, well done.  The next phase will focus on inverted pressing and ring muscle-ups, especially false grip strength. Where... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 6/6/16 -12/6/16 WEEK 6

Geoff Stewart
We are heading into week 6 of our training program and there has been some new sets of aches from all the paused reps we are moving into another week of paused reps so keep it tight strong.   CF_Hackney_Strength_Phase_WK6 2016

Barbell Club – Phase 6 – 6/6/2016

Jenna Fisher
The last phase saw some great work from everyone on single leg exercises and getting the bis and tris stacked. This phase will focus on shoulders and back for upper body and will return to the main lifts for lower body with single leg work moving to accessory. (So you boys don’t get too twitchy rest assured that chest will... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 1/6/16

Geoff Stewart | 31-05-2016
Warm up With a BB work through the complex without stopping DL Power cleans Front squats Push press Back squat Rack thrusters 10 reps each movements rest 90 seconds x3   Bike / Rowing DT Working in teams 3 follow the leader as soon as bike / rower is clear. Alternating between air bike and rower do a hard 25kcal then... [Read more]

CrossFit Engineering – June 2016

Josh Schouten | 30-05-2016
As we start to move from foundations and towards CrossFit classes @ Momentum Training offers a bridging session/s being CrossFit Engineering (CFE) where we spend time learning the finer movements for those who are new to all the technical jargon. If this is you, CFE will get you up to speed and well on the way to achieving results. Knowledge... [Read more]

Weapons June 2016

Josh Schouten
New Phase for June, lifting our anaerobic levels on Sunday morning's and we'll be grinding through those long aerobic sets on Monday's getting those gas tanks enlarged! Of course we have strength focus also. We should see everyone moving better in the snatch with improved shoulder and thoracic mobility as we head straight into those overhead squats! Also all members... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 30/5/16 -5/6/16 WEEK 5

Geoff Stewart | 29-05-2016
Great work guys its time to change things around as we move into week 5 of our training plan. This week we have moved the days around to add variety and we begin to work on some paused reps as well the usually sprinkling of WODs to keep you on your toes.     CF_Hackney_Strength_Phase_2016 W5